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Thursday, December 11, 2008

December 11- question 3

Tis the season...

While you are all working on your novel soundtracks, I'm thinking of all the cool bands I will get to listen to. This is truly my favorite activity to grade as I get to combine my two favorite loves: reading and music. The idea of a soundtrack for a novel is extremely interesting, and like years before, it has made me think of my life soundtrack. I hear a different tune every day of my life that defines the tone of the day. When I see my sister or get to spend time with her I think of "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves because being with her (she lives in Texas, y'all) makes me feel great. Some days I'm in more of a Limp Bizkit mood and it's "just one of those days when you don't wanna wake up...".

So, with that in mind, choose a character from any of the works we've read thus far and tell me what you think his/her theme song would be. While you're at it, tell me what song describes your life.

Keep on rockin' withcha bad self!!!

As always,


Monday, November 24, 2008

Next Question....Woo-hoo!

Hello all!

I've been slacking a wee bit on the question of the week, but I am now ready to make a strong comeback. It's almost Turkey Day and the idea of being thankful keeps rolling around in this big ole head of mine.

With that in mind, choose a character from any of the pieces of literature you have read thus far and tell me what they are thankful for. Is Rochester thankful he didn't lose both eyes and both hands (morbid, but true) or is Bill Chalmers thankful that he doesn't have a job, allowing him to default on his bills, thus causing the electricity to be shut off and not allowing the internet to work, which in turn kills his wife's on-line affair?

Think of something fun and add something that you're thankful for while you're at it.


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

APers 2008-2009: The New Crew

Hello all.....

Welcome to what I like to call a "little corner of my twisted mind" ...I can, and will, ask you anything... and you can, and will, answer. I miss my past APers....McCole, Taccini, Cosgrove, Mahoney, et al, but I'm really starting to dig you newbies.

I have decided that the theme song for first term is either "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood or "Pressure" by Billy Joel. You guys are driving me up a wall....stop being so afraid to speak your mind and whoop it up. Throw caution to the wind and take a chance. I'm not even really sure why everyone is so panic stricken half of the time. Well, here is your chance to speak your mind. Ask me something....anything....that you need to know. What questions do you still have? What are you fears? Let it all hang out...metaphorically, please.

Just remember that in the end "every little thing is gonna be all right".



Monday, May 05, 2008

The Final Question...12!!

Hello and goodbye!

This is it for all you fellow APers. It will be weird to actually have students next year that I do not know. I've grown accustomed to your little faces for the past three years. How ever will I work with newbies? I don't know what they're like or how to approach....yikes!

Well, I must say that I am extremely proud of all you've accomplished in English these past three years. It's amazing what you can do when you put your mind ( and muscle in this case with all the writing) to it. While some of you may not be thrilled with your grades or AP scores, you have to admit that your tenacity has made you a better writer...slightly more confident, able to think outside of the box a bit? Whatever evolution has occurred just remember that you will be able to use the skills we've given you to achieve great things...and Eng 101 or 102 is going to be cake!

Now, it is my belief that you all have a theme song. You know, that song that when you're feeling amazing goes through your head. It may change from year to year as it should...they say that every seven years you're a new person to cell growth...weird...but it's that song that captures your heart and soul because it exemplifies all that you are.

So, what's your theme song? Better yet, pick a character and tell me what you think his/her theme song might be. Would Rochester's be "Beautiful"? Or maybe, Grendel's song is "Don't Let Me Get Me"? You decide...

PS. You are all more than welcome to drop in on the blog next year to add some flava! Please do...


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

To Game or Not to Game...QOW# 11

Secrets...the world's way of making you not look like a fool.

Well, I have some secrets that I feel I can share with you all after three long years together. Yes, I know you're thinking to yourself " Self...what secrets could my awesome English teacher possible have?" As embarrassing as it is, I love ballroom dancing (mostly the Latin divisions with the cha-chas and dramatic). Dog shows on TV...give me some popcorn and bring on the toy division!! Poms rock!! Love NSYNC (you the Man, Fatone!!) and crafting. Secretly, MH and CB don't bother me half as much as I pretend they do...I actually don't mind the witty banter...

oh and while it's not a huge secret...I am a gamer...Gears of War...Lost Planet...Dead Rising...80's treats ...Kingdom Hearts...the list is endless...PS2...Game Cube...Dreamcast...NES...XBOX 360...I am a video game junkie...I have an account at Game Stop...they know me when I walk in...

Gosh, I have so many guilty little secrets...

That was tell me peeps...what's your guilty little secret? Peas ( an abomination, dontcha know?) Bad poetry? Saved by the Bell?

Oh, and while you're at it, look at any character we've ever discussed and tell me what you think his/her guilty little secret might be...did Edna secretly know how to swim all along...maybe Jane loved romance novels and wasn't as independent as she claimed to be?

Tell me more..tell me more...Dish the dirt!!


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Poems that Rock Our World

Tomaz Salamun:

What is Abomination

Abomination is when you come home
and say heat up the stove
and no one heats up the stove for you
and it's February

be gone be gone

the most global abomination is peas

Crazy! ! ! ! !

Crazy Crazy I used to be crazy!
They put me in big white squishy walls that were cold!
Cold Cold the ocean is cold lobsters live in the ocean Lobsters are crazy!
Crazy Crazy I used to be crazy!
They put me in big white squishy walls that were cold!
Cold Cold the ocean is cold lobsters live in the ocean Lobsters are crazy!
Crazy crazy...I USED to be crazy!

Morgan Orlick

Shame Teacher Shame

Know one teach me poetry
I dont hang down from a tree
Dont want teacher to influence me
Just want to write how i please
Shame Poetry Teacher shame
Shame poetry Teacher Shame

Poetry Teacher can get stuffed
Even though i write real rough
Nobody tell me what to do
I like to write what i choose
Poetry Teachers just make me blue
Always telling me what to do
Shame Poetry Teacher Shame
Shame Poetry Teacher shame

How can i write about lust in the dust
If my Teacher leave me to sit and rust
Hangs me up with power lines
All he talk about is form and design
I want to write about life and dying
Shame poetry Teacher shame
Shame Poetry Teacher shame

Let Teacher teach and let me write
Then i write far into the night
Shame Teacher shame
Shame Teacher shame
Shame Teacher shame
Shame Teacher shame

allan james saywell

QOW #10-April 17

Na,na,na,,na,na,na...hey, hey, hey...goodbye!!!

It's almost over people....April vaca is one day away ...then New York...then breakfast at Anderson's and the AP test... and then...and then..(no more "and then"!)...the rest of your life. dramatic and exciting!

Well, it is that time of the year when we go and give advice about good ole' Mischley and AP to the underclassmen....the rumors about our secret little AP gang run let's set them straight...

Question: What advice do you think the youngsters really need to know about out little class?

Be honest...keep it real.

P.A.L.S unite....

Monday, March 31, 2008

Question of the Week #9

" I want candy..."

I'm hungry for something sweet to eat, which (of course) got me thinking.

Turn your favorite character into something sweet and tell me what he/she would be. must keep characterization in mind. For example, Roger from LOTF (shout out to Chrissy!!) would never be a Dove's too sweet and creamy and delicious for Roger...actually, could he be any type of candy?

I'm really hungry now and all I have is an apple...wheeee...nature's candy...yah, me...might as well chew on some paper...


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

QOW #8

March 18th...


Spring has almost sprung...Peeps of every color imaginable are lining store shelves...the deliciousy goodness otherwise known as the Cadbury Cream Egg is ready for tasting...let the allergies begin...

As I sit here in my awesome office and listen to the traffic flying by, I think to myself "Self, you need a new car. Not any old car, but one the reflects your unique characteristics...your personality...that extra special something that only you have." Sadly enough, I have come to the conlusion that I might actually be a van, two door, room for the baby stuff, groceries, extremely practical...but I really feel like a Mercedes deep down inside.

With that in mind, choose a character from a novel and tell me what car he/she would be and why.

Vroom, vroom, people!

Monday, February 11, 2008

QOW #7


I know..this is too much, my being ahead of it all and stuff. I was sitting here thinking...English...History....English....History...hmmmm...then the lightbulb appeared above my big-haired head....

Choose a historical figure, past or present, and tell us what you think he/she would choose to read if he/she entered our class. Your person can pick anything from your six years here, but it must be a piece of fiction. Make sure to tell us why he/she picked that particular book....familiar to lessons to be learned, etc

Friday, February 08, 2008

Question of the Week #6

Hello APers....

I know... I can't believe it either... I actually put up a QOW ahead of time...relax the world is not ending...the polar ice caps haven't melted completely... yet (pause a moment and bow your head for the penguins, people, it's all about the penguins.)

In an efort to be more efficient , I have decided to take on the personality traits of someone who is punctual, practical, and doesn't accountant. They are no nonsense individuals who file things on time and know exactly where everything belongs...I, on the other hand, lose my train of thought all of the time...Choo-choo!! Dare I dream to change my profession to one where deadlines are strict and exactness is key?

NAH....I'd be bored and I'm pretty sure the IRS wouldn't find my sarcastic wit nearly as enjoyable as you nuts do...yes, McCole, I'm talking to you!

So, this lead me to the next QOW....choose a character from any work we've read during high school and tell me what an alternate career for him/her would be and why. I pick Roger from LOTF as serial killer becuase ...well...he's a wee bit off his block....or he could make toothpicks..tiny little sticks sharpened at both ends...the gift that keeps on giving.

Question of the Week #5

I like big books and I cannot other brutha's can't deny...when a book walks in with an itty-bitty spine and is rhyming line by get (not really sure what to put here that is even slightly appropriate) got Book....

Yea, baby! I love my books...have a ton of them by the way....some are falling apart I have read them so many times...Macbeth is about to lose it and my orignal Jane Eyre was held together by duct tape at one point...left my Great Expectations out in the rain in Georgia ( hey, y'all!!) while my original copy of Lord of the Flies still has the faint smell of suntan lotion all over it....I bring them everywhere...I would read them in a box with a fox, in the rain on a train, and in a house with a mouse...I would read them here or there, I would read them anywhere....they are like my children...well they would be if my children were many to choose...which one do I pick????

With that in mind, if you could only have one book to keep, which one would you choose and why?

Friday, February 01, 2008

QOW #4


Midterms are over...time to relax! Oh, wait....Sorry but it's RESEARCH PAPER TIME!!!

Yes, it's that special time of the year where everyone starts scrambling to fulfill the paper requirements....where everyone stops acting polite and becomes so crazed that stealing a copy of Great Expectations from a baby is considered the norms. Can you smell the overworked printers churning out page after hot page? Ahhh....let the games begin!!!

With that in mind, let's revert back to an oldy but goody for QOW #4...

Choose a character from any novel and tell me what his/her senior research paper would be titled. Include a brief explanation of the contents.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

QOW #3- January 21, 2008

Bon jour!

Week three already...the year is flying!!!! I wish all of you luck this midterm week...I know you'll all do a great job.

Anywho... I am feeling a bit inspired by The Metamorphosis so let's look at that. This is a two part question...

1. Is Gregor a bug or not? How crazy would that be? Tell me what you think.

2. Speaking of insects...choose a character from any novel we've read thus far and tell me what bug they would be and why.

Crazy is as crazy does. Enjoy!


Friday, January 11, 2008

QOW#2-week of January 13th

Yowza! That last question was kind of cool in the responses that it received. Nicely done! I like to add quirky questions that make you think...but not too hard as I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt.

With that in mind...choose a character from any piece of literature you have read this year and have them author a "how to" book. Title of the overall book and give me about three chapter titles. As always, make sure to support yout choice.


Friday, January 04, 2008

QOW....January 1,2008


Well, we have turned the corner and graduation will be here sooner than you think ( I am so going to cry that day!!)

I am going to give you an example of a metacognitive for the first QOW in this new year. People: this is what I am looking for as far as process of work:

So, I finally get my stupid computer to work...there is a conspiracy afoot since it keeps logging me out...I sense tampering!! As I sit in my extremely uncomfortable desk chair that has the back ripped off becuase my son was "curious" about how it was all attached, I knew that I had to stop procrastinating and put up the new QOW. I wonder if people know how hard it is to come up with this stuff. I doubt many appreciate my creativity. It's always "you give us too much work..blah..blah..blah!!" Anywho......I can't thinkof anything but the moving boxes surrounding any moment they could topple over and crush me. I would hate to be crushed by a box full of Matchbox cars and Legos. I can't even imagine paramedics trying to pry tiny little Legos from my body. Maybe they'll find me with my hands shielding me from the sudden imapct...ahhhhh!!!! Stay with me here, people. I began to think how I would look curled up in the fetal psoition with toys all around me when I notice how I need a manicure. The polish is peeling, but I didn't really like the color. Let's procrastinate some more and go paint my nails. Surely I will become inspired while I wait for my nails to dry. I wondered if I should choose "Maple tree sap"brown or "How do you like these apples"red....and who names these polishes by the way. Seriously, someone is getting paid to sit around, look at a color, and name it. You too can "Think Pink" about how to "Strike it Rich" and gain "Red Respect." I want to name some colors; I wonder what others would name theirs.......which brings us to the QOW:

QOW #1:

Choose a character from any novel/play you have read this year. Based on the characterization of that person, have him/her create a nail polish color and name it. Remember to support your choice.