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Monday, November 24, 2008

Next Question....Woo-hoo!

Hello all!

I've been slacking a wee bit on the question of the week, but I am now ready to make a strong comeback. It's almost Turkey Day and the idea of being thankful keeps rolling around in this big ole head of mine.

With that in mind, choose a character from any of the pieces of literature you have read thus far and tell me what they are thankful for. Is Rochester thankful he didn't lose both eyes and both hands (morbid, but true) or is Bill Chalmers thankful that he doesn't have a job, allowing him to default on his bills, thus causing the electricity to be shut off and not allowing the internet to work, which in turn kills his wife's on-line affair?

Think of something fun and add something that you're thankful for while you're at it.
