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Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Yum...yum...yum.... eat and be merry or whatever you're supposed to be on Turkey Day...check out the Charlie Brown video I attached by going to the AP class link and clicking....


Monday, November 08, 2010

Wildcats are sort of like Thundercats if you squint really hard....

APers.......Very Important!!

Dear Apers....

I have recognized the fact that you have soooooooo much more work to do blog-wise than the Honors peeps, so I am in the process of creating  another blog which will link to this one. Hopefully, this will lessen up the postings on the primary blog and get rid of the confusion and searching for all.

I'll let you know when it's up and ready.

Advanced Placement Blog

It's been "One Week" since you analyzed a song....due 11/19

Hey y'all....

Everyone keeps saying to me "Mischley...the songs are so depressing..what'sa wronga witha you?" (say that part like you're sounds better).

Soooo, I give you a song that I heart very much...BNL has great uplifting , crazy, mad funny songs....look for some allusions and have fun!



Friday, November 05, 2010

APers only.... No Kitty for You!

Jacob's 180....

Macbeth with Sir Patrick Stewart? Beam me up, Scotty!!

What could be better than  one of my favorite Enterprise captains from Star Trek playing the role of my favorite Shakespearean character....I'm so happy, I could, I will cry...hear it comes....

Here's a little modern day teaser of the the play we will be studying in a few weeks.....enjoy the deliciousness that is MACBETH....

" Addicted" to song analysis and...KELLY CLARKSON!! Due 11/12

Music/ Video:


Just plain funny....

Thursday, November 04, 2010

APers ONLY.....

If you fail to answer the the 180s we missed in class, your 180 (if we do not get to it in class) will not be posted. Instead, I will post a cute video, such as the one above, which will help to alleviate the class' distress and utter disgust at your failing to help out peers in need. I mean, really, I defy you to remain angry at a selfish peer when faced with such cuteness. Therefore, I will be checking to see that you are helping each other out.

Please enjoy the delightful video know as "Surprised Kitty".

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

APers Only... Hand Shadows by Mary Cornish

Look at the post to your, really...NOW!

I have decided  that in the spirit of posting and being nosey I want to find out what people like. I will be putting up a weekly poll on random things that make me think or laugh, and you can answer the poll or not. This first poll is a test. Enjoy!!

Monday, November 01, 2010

Oh So Wrong....... Due 11-5-10


Time for another friendly game of "ANALYZE...THAT...SONG!"

Yes, I am using another Depeche Mode song for two reasons. One...they really have complex lyrics that make you think and are great for analysis...two...I love their music.

Since we have been practicing how to breakdown songs and poetry, I am expecting a little more insight in your analysis of the song than I did before. Simply stating "the song is's about people who break makes me feel emo" is not going to cut it. If it's a sad song (TONE) then back it up with proof from diction....syntax...figurative language...etc. Up your game, peeps!


video with lyrics....

lyrics only...