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Friday, November 05, 2010

" Addicted" to song analysis and...KELLY CLARKSON!! Due 11/12

Music/ Video:


Just plain funny....


Gabby said...

Wow.. I'm actually first for once.
The tone of this song is lost, scatter-brained, depressed, and lonely.
The repetition of "It's like" shows that she doesn't really have a complete thought on her perspective of this person. She is so overcome with emotion of this addiction that she lacks the ability to accurately describe it. This also gives the speaker a teenage persona, since teenage girls often use "like" in their descriptions. The lines in which she does not use "like" display things of which she is certain such as "sucking the life from me" and "you've taken over me", which are more so side affects of her addiction as opposed to thoughts that she can actually form at this point. There is also much repetition of "me" and "you" to show the bond of that addiction, and focus on the ways in which these two people are affected. This shuts out everything else in the world, as if this state of addiction puts her in a place in which the speaker and her love are the only ones that matter, and everything else is shut out.
The diction of this piece is very dark and lost, such as "ghost", "nothing", "without", and "interrupting". This builds up to a place where the speaker is off in her own world, consumed deeply by her addiction.

Unknown said...

I agree with all Gabby said. It is deffinately a dark song.The lyrics seem to show that she regrets this addiction. She may have been in love with a guy but he has over taken her. When she trys to think for herself he does not let her. In the lyrics it says " It's like I can't think without you interupting". She also says things like "I'm lost" and "I'm slowly giving up". This guy has overtaken her making her feel like she is meanless and nothing to live for. But she realizes this and wants to get away before he takes over and she has to live like that for her entire life. Then she says "One more time, then that's it" this shows she is scared to leave, and gives in to him. The music is sad and gloomy because this is not what she wants. I disagree though with Gabby when she says "like" makes her persona that of a teenager. She is just giving examples of things she hates and wants to end.

Colleen said...

This song is very dark. There is nothing positive about this song. The artist does not like what the addiction is doing to her "I can't breathe","I can't see anything", and "I can't think". She was in love with a guy who has taken over her life. She can not function the way she use to "It's like I'm not me". She knows that she is addicted to the man it and is not a good thing, but she can't seem to let go of the addiction, "I'm hooked on you". All the negative things happening to her add to the sad dark depressing tone. The background music also has a big role in tone. The music is slow and not upbeat. Her voice also seems angry while singing.

kristen said...

This song's lyrics are very depressing, and even the music and beat to the song sounds depressing. Its a slow song, and just like Colleen said, it does sound like she is angry. I can only imagine why she is angry. It is because she is "addicted" to someone. She can not get enough of him. Her life seems to revolve around him, and that he possibly takes everything she has, "It's like you're a leech Sucking the life from me." This exlempifies what I just said because this is pretty much saying that he sucks every ounce of energy she has because she is so addicted to him. This also does not sound like a good addiction. The lyrics make it seem like this maybe a hidden feeling that she has.

Unknown said...

I agree with what the other people said about this song being very dark and upsetting. The lyrics are so powerful and depressing that it leaves you with a feeling of sadness in the pit of your stomach. I'm not a big fan of the song sung, but the lyrics are amazing. They evoke such a strong emotion of helplessness that I actually felt sad reading the lyrics. The one part where she talks about needing one more hit of him because he's like her drug is very deep. It is one of the most emotional parts of the song. I feel as though the tone of this song brings out the sadness in people that everyone has felt at some point in their life.

Unknown said...

wow, this song brightens my day. anyways, kel begins with many similies such as "it's like you're a drug" and "it's like I'm lost". The beginning lines prepares the listener for the words they are about to hear. Throughout, she displays hopelessness, obsession and a breaking point by using words such as "drug" "quit" and "giving up slowly". However, the "speaker" of the song reminds me of a high school girl, in which we've met in some point of our lives, who seem to be enveloped in the idea of one man.. "boy".. who has such an impact on her life. Sometimes, young love included, these feelings are persistent and do not go away causing pain, which is displayed within the lyrics. The speaker also characterized the love in her life so much so that it actually becomes a tangible addiction such as to drugs or food, crazy I know. She leads the listeners to feel her exact pains calling the subject "a ghost that's haunting me". Some evidence of addiction is seen in:

"I'm hooked on you
I need a fix
I can't take it
Just one more hit
I promise I can deal with it
I'll handle it, quit it
Just one more time
Then that's it
Just a little bit more to get me through this
the addiction to the person or love conquers her everyday life and soon makes her ill. She cannot stop thinking about it and it hinders her daily life. In the end she sings "It's like its not me" to tie into her feelings. She is changing personalities for the drug she desires. The speaker realizes that she has been defeated and the love has all power over her. The melody adds to the dreary feelings that fill her mind.

I honestly picture a dark room with a black and white video of Kelly Clarkson injecting love into her arm with a needle, odd but sensible.

Vickie Ha said...

The speaker is scared and confused. She knows this person is bad for her but she continues to keep them around.
Her "addiction" to this person is detailed through the use of similies, comparing this person to a drug and a leech. She also compares her feelings to not being able to breathe. The connection she has is very deeply rooted because there is "misery all around" that is "sucking the life" from her but she can't seem to let go of this person.
She is trapped in a dark place and can't get away no matter how hard she tries and eventually gives up because she longs for "one more hit".

The tone is somber and hopeless which can be seen through the negative diction such as lost, haunting, demon, misery, and can't breathe, among other words.
The song itself sounds incredibly sad and frustrated with the violins playing alongside a heavy bass. Yay Kelly!

Amanda Henriques said...

I agree with Katt and Gabby's post that this song has a tone of lost, scatter-brained, depressed and lonely. However I also believe this song has a tone of need and desire. The tone of desire is prevalent when she says
"I'm hooked on you
I need a fix
I can't take it
Just one more hit"
This shows that she still needs and wants this man, and that she is not fully ready to let go of him. You could get the idea from this song that she was in a relationship and she left from the man being over controlling when she says
"And I know I let you have all the power
It's like the only company I seek is misery all around".
This gives the idea that she never stood up to him and let him take all the control and she was miserable. But the whole song explains how she wants to get away and move on but at the same time she can't let go. This could possibly be seen as a fear because she doesn't know another way. In the same way that domestic abuse victims don't know how to get away. Instead they stay with the abusive person and endure the pain. Now this poem doesn't say she is abused or anything like that, but she may be so used to the control the man had over her that she can't find away to leave.

Amanda Henriques said...

last comment by amanda henriques

Rebecca said...

The tone is helpless, frustration, and misery. The speaker is decapitated from the addictive and destructive relationship she has found herself in. She has a controlling boyfriend who won't let her think for herself and he is like a leech "Sucking the life from me". She is tired from the abuse, fighting, and lack of power over herself. She is frustrated with feeling out of control over her own life and hates herself because she "let you have all the power". Despite of the bad aspects of their relationship, she loves him, but she "can't take it" anymore. "Just one more hit...I promise I can deal with it...Just one more time...Just a little bit more to get me through this" exemplifies the hopelessness that she feels and it sounds like she is talking to a close friend or family member, who realizes the destructiveness of her relationship. She has been with him for too long and doesn't know how to live or "breath" and she has forgotten who she is because "It's like I can't think Without you interrupting me". I agree with Amanda that the speaker's feelings are similar to the feelings of domestic abuse victims, who believe that they are worthless without their spouses, caused by prolonged mental and physical abuse.

katie said...

The repetition of “it’s like” shows how the speakers life has become robotic in a sense. The speaker is completely consumed by the man she is in love with, and her whole mind has been taken over. The phrase “Leave me alone And I know these voices in my head Are mine alone” shows how her mind is being overwhelmed with thoughts about him and she has lost the guy for good. I think the song really shows what heart break can do to someone. There is nothing happy about the song, and I think that after you break up with someone you loved then there is nothing to be happy about. The speaker is literally “addicted” to the guy who treats her badly. There is clearly a reason why the speaker keeps saying “just one hit I’ll make it quick”. It is kind of forbidden to her. When I write this, I picture someone breaking up with their boyfriend because they were cheated on and then they go back to them even though they shouldn’t. No offense, but the song lyrics are kind of desperate and pathetic. The speaker is willing to do anything to be with the boy, and that is not healthy.
-katie harris

Derek said...

Like everyone else said, this is a depressing song. The use of imagery: "It's like you're a leech
Sucking the life from me" and the use of similes: "It's like you're a demon I can't face down", "It's like you're a leech", "It's like I can't breathe, It's like I can't see anything", and many more add to the picture the speaker is trying to present. She compares the person she is talking about to a drug, and wanting to take "Just one more hit". Overall the song is about how she can't live without this person, but in an unhealthy, very bad way.

oasker said...

This song is lyrically and musically a downer. It is about some girl who can't get over a guy and is apparently very upset about it. She says she is "lost" and "can't breathe" without a "fix." The lyrics of the whole song are about this depressing, she makes metaphors comparing drug addiction to her lost love life throughout every verse in the song and often talks about things she cannot do because of this guy. I guess I don't fully understand though, she says she's "running from him all the time" and he's "a demon" she can't face down, so break up with him? Or did he leave her and the ghost haunts her? I don't know, I guess it's a girl thing.

Gino said...

Pick a happy song for once. She explains all symptoms of drug addiction in the context of her relationship. She can't breathe, which could be a side effect of drug addiction. She keeps repeating that it isn't like her which is denial, which a lot of drug addicts suffer from. Overall, this song is depressing and it's time for a happy song.

lindsaykeith said...

I agree that the speaker feels lost and confused. To add to what everyone else is said, I think that the ending of the song is more intense as the music itself gets darker and she keeps repeating all different lines over and over, which represents her feelings of being overwhelmed. When I was listening to the song, towards the end I felt as though all the speaker's thoughts were spinning around in her head making her feel so lost and confused. Saying many depressing things such as the leech sucking the life out of her and not being able to breathe builds up to the line, "It's like I'm not me," which I thought was very powerful. Everything she says builds up to this lines and it's as if nothing makes sense to her all she knows is that she's lost herself.

njagelski said...

Why "KELLY CLARKSON!" in all caps? Is she someone important? o.O

Go figure.

I feel repetitive by restating that it's dark and it's about someone who is stuck with someone who is leeching off of her blah blah it's so sad waah okay.

I guess I'll just respond to people so I have something more substantial.
Gabby: Maybe if she was using "like" in a way that it could be taken out of the song it would add the persona of a teenager. "Like"'s also a word used for comparison. It still has some meaning left in the world! Yay!
Katie: I don't think you need to say "No offense." (Damn you J. D. Salinger!) Artists are not necessarily the character. Usually.
Good catch on the repetition though.

Amy Pistone said...

Nick - she typed KELLY CLARKSON in all caps because it is in reference to the video she also posted.

I actually didn't think that these lyrics are that dark... they're somewhat troublesome and very obsessive, but I think the reason people are saying that it is dark is because of the way Kelly Clarkson sings it, not the actual lyrics. There's dark diction in the piece, sure, but the actual tone of the lyrics is obsessive. The entire song is reminiscent of how a young girl acts in a relationship, whether it is beneficial or detrimental to her. In a way her conscience is struggling to justify the obsession, shown through lines such as "I know I let you have all the power". "Know" has the connotation in this piece as making an excuse, like she is so attached because the man is powerful and she's a pushover. Many girls when they're young will let the men do whatever they want just because they are so excited about having a relationship. The true meaning of the piece is shown within the stanza that starts with "I'm hooked on you". The diction in this paragraph shows that she needs to have this person in her life, with the analogy of her love being like a drug addiction. She needs one more "hit" because she cannot be without him, but she is trying to convince herself that she is not addicted with the line "I promise I can deal with it".

Overall this tone is obsessive to the point of being unsettling.

Xander said...

this song starts off pretty strong. "It's like you're a drug
It's like you're a demon I can't face down" Shows the powerful effect that this person has on her life in a negative way. However she is wanting this person in her life. she surrounds herself with miseries company, giving this person all the power over her.
"In my dreams You've taken over me
It's like I'm not me It's like I'm not me" goes about how this person is always on her mind, and she's loosing her self, her sanity to an extent over this person. the lyrics "It's like you're a ghost that's haunting me. Leave me alone" show desperation no one can push a ghost out physically. but you can always helplessly tell it to go away.
Finally the lyrics "I'm hooked on you I need a fix I can't take it Just one more hit I promise I can deal with it" give us the insight that Kelly knows what she has around her is wrong and she's in this inner turmoil to remove this thing she has become needing of. My basic understanding is Kelly had this person who she needs to get out of her life but feels like she can't leave them.

Unknown said...

This song is very dark and depressing. It’s about a girl who can’t seem to get out a relationship with someone. She cannot get away from this person like in the lines “It’s you’re a ghost that’s haunting me”. The speaker is also giving up on fighting because she is addicted to this person. But it is rather dark in the line “It’s like I’m not me”. The music also adds to the tone of the song by making it more depressing because it has very deep and dark sounds to it. Overall, the song is very dark with no light within it at all.

Unknown said...

The tone of this song is a mix of fear, frustration, resentment, and bitterness. As Gabby said, the repetition of "it's like" shows how stressed the speaker feels about her relationship. She makes multiple similes to describe how she feels because she can't pinpoint exactly what it is. Everything in her head is a mess. With her use of negative diction such as "drug, demon, stuck, leech, can't, quit, giving up, etc" it can be assumed that she finds her relationship to be unhealthy and her partner is literally draining her of all that she has.

Jake said...

As most people have said, the repetition of It's like is most prevalent in the song. I think that the repetition gives the song a flustered stream of consciousness feel to it. She is just rambling on and expressing all of her emotions. Someone or something is all consuming. It consumes her thoughts and her body. She can't escape. She wants and need this thing yet she hates it and wants to get away from it. She is in withdrawal but is at the point where she no longer wants to use this "drug." This song is dark and it is like she is drowning in her own sorrows.

Brian P. said...

I would say the tone is slightly erradic with fear and pain. Poor way to explain that? Probably, but it seems as if she can't describe how she feels about the situation because it is hurting her so much. This would be the reason why she uses a lot of metaphors and similies ["It's like I can't breathe".... yadda yadda].
She really has no words for the situation because she cannot accurately compare it to anything in her life. She often asks for one more hit of the drug, which could be an example of personification, as she gives the addictive qualities of the man to the drug she refers to. The use of 'o' and 'u' sounds is heavy throughout the song, deepening the lyrics and her vocals to sound darker.

I don't know if i like the song, but it has good lyrics.

Sam said...

The title of this song fits with the lyrics. It is really like she's describing an addiction to a drug, with phrases like "just one more hit," which could also be used to describe an abusive relationship that he could be in but she can't seem to pull herself out of, just like the addiction. She may be in fact addicted to the pain. She uses all kinds of dark imagery in the context of other lighter words like "taking over" and "dreams", "ghost," "haunting," among others. The actual voice she uses too sounds stressed and confused, much like the strings of the violin being torn apart and the bassline rippling through the chords of the song. The entire piece depicts a scene of possibly a girl sitting alone in a room at night with mascara running down her face, something depressing like that.

alex said...

Well I found this song annoying...but besides that the reptition of like is used to give the listener the feeling the she is feeling. She can't get him out of her mind and she enstills that on the listener by slamming them with likes, and now they can't get the likes out of their heads. the total amount of similies is overwhelming and it drives you crazy just like she is going crazy.

Unknown said...

I agree with Gabby on this one. The repetition of "its like" is almost overwhelming just to read. I would say the tone of this song is depressed and lonely. She is pretty much saying that she is addicted to this person that is no longer in her life, but they are still like a "leech that is sucking the life" out of her. She compares this person also to a ghost, which shows that they are no longer in her life but still haunt her. She is controlled by this person and its almost as if they have taken over her life and thoughts.

seannacav said...

This is a very hateful song.
Her negative diction is very powerful because every single line has a negative word "drug, demon, stuck, running from you." Whoever this song is about, they must have done something really terribly to Kelly Clarkson because she detests them. The song is over powering jsut like this person was to Kelly. I happen to love this song because I'm a huge Kelly fan even though I didn't watch AI.

CKrim said...

I think that this song is wonderful. It's about a painful relationship that she cannot get over. She keeps wanting to go back to him. Another possible meaning of it is that it is about a drug addiction. I love how she uses" it's like..." to help explain what she is feeling. I mean not everyone will understand her relationship problems but many people will understand the drug reference. I think she really gets people to relate to her feeling in a major way. This is a great song.

Alex Pearson said...

better late than never...right.

It is clear this song is comparing her love for a guy to a drug addiction. She talks about how "It's like it's not [her]." This guy is able to change the way she acts and feels, which is the same thing a drug can do. Even though she realizes that he is bad for her "[she] realize[s] [she's] never gonna quit [him] over time." She has become "addicted" and is not able to control her habits.

The tone of the song is very dark and melancholy. Clarkson seems angry and enraged by the fact she cannot get over this guy.This is probably a stretch but it makes it feel like she is obsessing over the fact that this guy left her and she will not let it go. When he left, she realized how truly addicted to him she was and now she is freaking out because she can't get a "fix".