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Monday, November 08, 2010

It's been "One Week" since you analyzed a song....due 11/19

Hey y'all....

Everyone keeps saying to me "Mischley...the songs are so depressing..what'sa wronga witha you?" (say that part like you're sounds better).

Soooo, I give you a song that I heart very much...BNL has great uplifting , crazy, mad funny songs....look for some allusions and have fun!




Alex Pearson said...

This song is about a couple who got in a fight but both a too reluctant to say sorry about each other. The singer says "I realized it's all my fault, but couldn't tell you," showing that he knows what he did was wrong but is unwilling to let her know he really is sorry. The singer is the sort of person who has a "tendency to wear [his] mind on [his] sleeve," which is probably why the fight began in the first place. The song itself is very lighthearted even though it's about two people arguing. The random lyrics like "I summon fish to the dish, although I like the Chalet Swiss" and "'Cause the cartoon has got the boom anime babes" display the singer's eccentric personality. Fights like this probably occur often for this couple because of his personality. But she keeps coming back for more because she realizes that he is too funny and unique to leave.

kristen said...

Just like Alex has posted, this song is about a couple who has got into a fight, "It's been one week since you looked at me
Cocked your head to the side and said "I'm angry." In the song, it keeps repeating on how it has been one week since the speaker's significant other has even looked at him or even been on good terms with him. This fight could have been about the speaker not taking something serious that his girl friend is saying and she could have got mad about it, "How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad trying hard not to smile though I feel bad I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral
can't understand what I mean? Well, you soon will." Basically, he has a personality that can not be taken seriously and his girlfriend probably got fed up with it.

Colleen said...

This song is about an immature couple. They seem to fight lot about stupid things. They know when they are wrong but are too stubborn to apologize,"I realized it's all my fault, but couldn't tell you". This shows how it is an immature relationship. The basic understand of this song is clearly stated in the coarse, but for the rest of the song it is not clear. I have heard this song many times and always laugh during it. I think it is completely random and I can not figure out what he is trying to say with all the random stuff like "I like vanilla cuz it's the finest the flavours" and "I make mad films okay i dont make films but if I did they'd have a Samurai". I am sure the lyrics have a deep meaning to them, but I can't figure it out.

Derek said...

Overall the song is about two people who got in a fight and are arguing, unwilling to apologize to each other. Mixed in between stanzas are verses that in no way contribute to the rest of the song, and appear to only be for entertainment, or to showcase the singer's personality. This may be a reason for why they are arguing in the first place. The singer realizes he is at fault but is stubborn and will not admit it. Eventually he says he is sorry, and then he "sits back and waits til you say you're sorry". By the end of the song, they "realized we're both to blame".

Unknown said...

It's depressing....jk=] Well yeah it is an immature couple that gets into a fight and she is wrong. She yells at him though because she does not want to take the blame for it. She acts like it was his fault but he knows its not. He is calm but he laughs at her when she is mad because he thinks it is cute. I think this just makes her more mad because she thinks he is making fun of her. The lyrics say "Yesterday you'd forgiven me
but it'll still be two days till I say I'm sorry". He wants to wait it out to make her think about the fight. He is also an awkward man that when there is an awkward moment he laughs. He numbers the amount of days since she has done anything affectionate. Its funny but sad.

Unknown said...

This song is about a couple who get into a fight, but neither of them wants to say they are sorry. Even in the song, it says, “it’ll still be two days till we say we’re sorry”. As for the tone, I think it very immature and childish. The speaker of the song says that he’s “gonna make a break and take a fake”. In other words, he just wants to avoid the whole argument till she says she’s sorry. Also with the diction, you can tell that the fight is about something ridiculous because the connotation changes with the words. One minute the song says something about being “mad’ and the next it says something about smiling. At the end of the song, the couple forgive each other and “dropped your arms to your sides and said, “I’m sorry”.

Rebecca said...

A couple is in a fight, but the speaker is too proud to apologize, even though she did already. This song's cleverness and randomness exemplifies the speaker's personality, when he references "X Files", "Harrison Ford", "Sting", "Snickers", and "Kurasawa". He does not feel ashamed "to wear my mind on my sleeve", so he will not apologize to his girlfriend for not holding back his thoughts. He wonders "How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad?", and admits that he has "a history of losing my shirt," which shows his eccentric and fun-loving nature, and even warns that "The vertigo is gonna grow," if she stays with him, because he is all over the place with his emotions and thoughts. At the end, they realize that they will eventually reconcile and work through it with a smile.

Stephen Ameno said...

The song is about two people that have had a fight. The singer admits that the fight was their fault. While they both know whose fault it is, neither one of them will tell the other person. Throughout the song the singer continues to refuse to admit he was at fault for the fight. At the end, both the singer and his girlfriends admit they were equally wrong.

Jake said...

Well, as it ha it has been said before, this song is about a fighting couple. However the way they are dealing with it is completely immature. The both refuse to admit they are wrong. But, the speaker does want to admit his guilt yet. He "realized it's all my fault, but couldn't tell you/Yesterday you'd forgiven me/but it'll still be two days till I say I'm sorry."
The fight could've been due the the speaker eccentrics. The lyrics are rather out there to say the least. He shows his immaturity by thinking "you're funny when you're mad/Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad
Overall this i a humorous song about silly arguements.

katie said...

This song is about a couple that is pretty much a disastorous relationship. It reminds me of a teenage couple in their late stages when they get sick of eachother. They both know that they are wrong but they are too immature to say sorry to each other. The speaker says "im the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral" which shows how the speaker is not sympathetic and is very stubborn. I also thought that the speaker was beaten by their significant other. The speaker says "five days since you've tackled me I've still got rug burns on both my knees". I feel like this is the relationship that the beaten comes back even though they were abused. Overall the tone is very stubborn and so is the speaker and their significant other. They sem like they fight as lot so it is kind of common.
Katie harris

Unknown said...

The song is about a couple who get into a fight and are both too stubborn to admit to one another that it was his or her fault. It seems like they get into fights quite often about stupid things, but neither want to admit to the other that it is his or her fault. Throughout the song, the artist is counting down each day that his girlfriend has not spoken to him, but in the end she comes and apologizes and he laughs because he knew she would crack first.

Gino said...

This song is about a young couple that constantly argues. They do feel sorry about always fighting but they refuse to admit that they were wrong because they are young and proud. They make it clear that they do not sugar coat anything and that brutal honesty probably starts most of the fights. But at least it is not depressing.

SuddenlyCorey said...

Does anyone else thing this guy must have been on speed when he wrote this song?! Seriously!!! I agree with the others that this song is 'basically' about the fact that this couple has broken up, but I feel as though the song gives us clues as to why. The singer consistently interjects into the flow of the song- the basic "One Week..." chorus part- with random facts about himself, like how cool he is and how good he looks with his shirt off. This leads me to believe that he is self-centered, causing the break up. Thanks for an upbeat song, Mrs. Mischley!!!


Unknown said...

Well this song is about two people who are in a relationship. It follows them and lists what happened in a week. They got into a fight, since the singer says, "I realized it's all my fault, but couldn't tell you". He does things like laughs at her when she`s mad and says what is on his mind. He also thinks about other girls. When he talks about them watching X-Files, he starts to get paranoid. He says he is "Like Harrison Ford I'm getting frantic". He is nervous that his girlfriend is tired of him and wants to break up. He does not want to tell her this, though, so he says "but it'll still be two days till I say I'm sorry". He then tries to make her say sorry because she has messed up too. Then he says they are both to blame. By the end, he feels confident that they will apologize to each other at the end of the week. He realizes that she is just as flawed as he is.

Unknown said...

There is an infinite amount of imagery seen in this song by the Barenaked Ladies. Although this song is primarily about fighting, there is a major emphasis on similies and metaphors to describe the tension between the couple in an argument. An example of in depth description is seen in
"You'll think you're looking at Aquaman
I summon fish to the dish, although I like the Chalet Swiss
I like the sushi
'cause it's never touched a frying pan
Hot like wasabe when I bust rhymes
Big like LeAnn Rimes"

i believe this description allows the speaker to highlight his values in order to convey that he is sort of "untouchable". this song is an upbeat, catchy tune ranging in all sorts of imagery. Another part of the song displays his true feelings about the fighting:

"How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad
Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad"

He describes that he does not want to see his girlfriend mad, and thinks it is funny while they fight. I think it might be an indirect result of nervousness. He then goes on to explain how many days they have been fighting and the actions they execute during the time such as "five days since you tackled me". I believe that his references to random aspects such as Chinese chicken and Sailor Moon resort back to his feelings of wanting to forget about the fight and move on. His use of rhythm and patterns of imagery successfully portray his reactions to heated arguements.

CKrim said...

I get that he likes chicken, being shirtless, and venilla cause it's the finest flavor.
But really this song is a way to describe a lot of relationships of people who love to push each others buttons. He can say anything and be honest to anyone but he has a hard time apologizing and expressing his feeling. A lot of people are this way.

Gavin said...

I believe the song is about two people who had been fighting. I picture them to have fought rather bitterly, since they seem reluctant to apologize to each other. Their reluctancy can be seen in their shallow and ratheer sheltered responses, saying that they "couldnt tell you" that they were wrong.

seannacav said...

This song is very silly. There;s allusions to commic characters adn "chalet swiss" which sounds funny but its just swiss architecture. He also alludes to milkshakes. It has very childlike immature tone. It reminds me of a teenage boy and their maturity level which is that of an ant.

njagelski said...

Well that was...just..silly. And nonsensical. "Like Harrison Ford I'm getting frantic!" What does that mean? I guess it's the...ah...complexities of relationships? And maybe a parody of romance with all these OUTRAGEOUS similes. Like the Sailor Moon one.

All I can say is "What the Hell?"

Unknown said...

This song is about two people who had a fight and have not talked or made any contact in a week. The fight was the mans fault "I realized its all my fault, but couldn't tell you". The song is about the man and how he is awsome and the things he likes saying things like "you try to match wits, you try to hold me but I bust through" and " I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve". He says a lot of random things which shows his mind is scattered from this breif break up with his girlfriend.

Vickie Ha said...

This song is just ridiculous. The lyrics are ironic that the first line I see is "Chickity China the Chinese chicken".

Anyways, it's quite obvious that the singer is in a fight with someone and knows absolutely all the wrong things to say to make up to this person. Well, all the things to keep this person away, such as "I have a tendency to take my shirt off". It really has nothing to do with anything unless he has some amazing abs that will make this girl come crawling back to him as he "sits back and waits till [she] says [she's] sorry". I can't take the song seriously because his random thoughts, like how he likes "sushi 'cause it's never touched a frying pan", make my thoughts wander as well and I don't exactly get what is going on.

At least the song sounds incredibly catchy.

Ryan Collins said...

Just like everyone else posted, this song is about a couple who got in a fight. I like this song because, like you said Mischley, it is uplifting. If you read the lyrics and analize the meaining, it would make you believe that the song would be sad and depressing. But in reality, the sound of the song actually sounds very uplifting. I have heard this song many times before and I never knew it was about a couple that got into a fight. I thought this becasue the song des not use depressing sounds and it is not a slow song. It is fast and it is pleasing to the ear.

Anonymous said...

After looking over this song i don't really know what to think of it. Its a "nice" song and there is clearly an argument going on between two people. The lyrics are very obscure and merely ryhme for the sake of caring on the song, they don't seem to have any meaning behind them and are merely there to let the song go on. all in all its a good song but I'd rather it have a meaning behind the use of bizarre lyrics.

Gabby said...

This song examines the changing feelings of the speaker throughout his tumultuous relationship.He uses different standpoints of time such as "one week", "five days", and others to demonstrate the affect that time has had upon their relationship, as it shifts from destructive fights to saying sorry.
Some allusions in the song include "Aquaman", "Chalet Swiss", "LeAnn Rhymes", and the "Smoking Man's.." The allusions allow his audience to better understand his tone and feelings through relating them to things that they see in their own life.

DavidLamJr. said...

It is a song concerning the typical relationship between a couple which involves fighting. It is a common theme especially seen in love comedy movies. This theme concerns two who fight constantly yet they enjoy it at the same time. No matter what the fight or argument the couple still love each other very much.
For example the line "How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad" shows that the singer enjoys the fights that he has and that these fights are natural in his relationship.So we can conclude that these two love birds fight and eventually make up so the relationship would be very strong yet flexible.