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Monday, November 29, 2010

Tis the Season to feel "Crazy".....due 12-3

Analyze and enjoy...




Stephen Ameno said...

Throughout the song Barkley repeats that he's crazy. He also says "I think you're crazy." Here he is referring to everyone who is listening to his song, or in this case, everyone who is watching him perform live. Barkley does show some hopefulness in the song when he says "I hope you are having the time of your life." Barkley says this as advice to everyone. He wants you to have fun. Overall this song is about Barkley wanting you to have the greatest time ever.

kristen said...

Gnarls Barkley's song "Crazy" concerns him being "crazy in the world because he wants to be like his super hero because they did not care if they "lost a limb" and was basically just putting themselves out there, and that's what he wanted to do. Through his use of repetition and vivid imagery, the tone of reminiscing and the theme of doing what you want to in life because you will never get a re-do.
The repetition of "Does that make me crazy?" is the speaker of the song questioning his actions if they were really rediculous and crazy or if they weren't. Also, in the song he repeats the line "I think you're crazy Just like me", which means that the person who he is speaking to in the poem could possibly be questioning if they also think they are crazy for some sort of actions. Another line that is repeated is "Maybe we're crazy" meaning that he came to the conclusion that they both really are crazy for the actions they have done.
The vivid imagery that takes place in this song is "And I hope that you are Having the time of your life" which could only give the image of someone having extreme fun. Also, another example is "My heroes had the heart To lose their lives out on a limb" which gives the reflection of a hero getting hurt, but not caring because they have given it their all for what they did.
Gnarls Barkley's song "Crazy" is a song about someone doing actions that people might think of being "crazy".

katie said...

This song has a lot of repetition in it. Not only does Barkley repeat "Maybe I'm crazy", but also he repears little phrases such as "I remember when" "Who do you" all to emphasize his on going thoughts, concluding his craziness. The tone is very paranoid. I used this song in my soundtrack and it really fit well with Bill Chalmers. Bill was very paranoid on the train and he didn't know what other people were saying about him, such as the lyrics "Who do you, who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?" These lyrics show that the people judging the speaker have no right to do so. Also, Barkley says "All I remember is thinking, I want to be like them". I interpreted this two different ways. On one hand, I thought of he was so paranoid about what people were thinking he just wanted to be normal like everyone else. On the other hand, I thought that maybe Barkley was kind of love sick and obsessed with someone who he idolizes a little too much.

Gavin said...

Gnarls Barkley's song "Crazy" I feel is about how he feels since he has lost his mind. Although most people would probably dislike to loose their minds, Barkley seems perfectly at home, because "there was something pleasant about that place". In this empty void he used to call his mind, his emotions take over to the point that they "have an echo". Barkley seems to blame the loss of his mind on the fact that he wanted to be like his heroes, and that he knew too much. Possibly, Barkley made a realization that in order to live like his heroes he had to sacrifice his mind and all of his knowledge.

Colleen said...

I think this song is about the speaker doing his own thing. He wants to be like a hero and be courageous like them, "and all I remember is thinking I want to be like them". The problem with this is he wants to act out but some people think it is crazy, "but maybe I am crazy". He has considered that some people think that what he is doing and wants to do is crazy, but in the end he does not care enough to do anything about it. He continuously asks if he is crazy and then says he probably is. This shows he is aware that his actions are not of the normal people but he does not care because he wants to live his life to the fullest. He also wants everyone else to too, "And I hope you are having the time of your life".

Anonymous said...

I thought that Gnarls Barkley's song "Crazy" is about just living life and doing what you feel is right. Not everyone on earth will ever eye to eye. Some actions to others are seen as "crazy" His song is telling people to remember what they love the most and no matter how "crazy" it may seem and no matter what people say you should still persue it.
Throughout the song Barley says things like does that make me,you, and us crazy. Just becasue something is different or someens dosent understand it dosent make it crazy. If your way of having fun it. It's kind of like saying "If how i have fun is wrong then i don't want to be right"

Unknown said...

I absolutely hate this song... I think I have hated it since it came out like forever ago. Well I think he went crazy and just does not care. He is different than other people so he is probably judged. This leaves him thinking something is wrong with him but he stands up to them basically saying who do you think you are to judge me. He has grown up wanting to be like his favorite superheros but now that it has come time he says "It's no coincidence I've come and I can die when I'm done." There is nothing so great or special about him like there was the superheros.

Gino said...

He says that he's crazy, "just like you". So I see it as an expression that "crazy", like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Because what he sees as crazy is what everybody else does too, which you could assume would make it normal. I could be completely wrong and it could just be a song about obsession.

Unknown said...

I personally can not stand this song. When it first came out I got so annoyed that it was on the radio literally every half hour. I just found it unneccesary to play a song over and over again when the lyrics to the song are so repetitive. I understand that Barkley was venting his emotions about how he's upset about how his girl left him to be crazy and alone. He talks about how the girl kept living life like it was no matter to her that she lost him, while Barkley is sitting there going crazy because he lost her. Sure I get why he's upset and feeling so down, but I still find this song completely unneccesary to be played on the radio.

oasker said...

This song is about Barkleys desire to put himself out there and not think so much. He is tired of overthinking his life and every move. He just wants to get out there and live. He realizes how little control anyone has over their life and is sick of it. Then he turns it on the listener, because before he was rhetorically asking if he was crazy then he starts implying that if you think you have your life all set then you are crazy. In the end this song is about living life and not overthinking it because no matter what you do you will not have complete control over you life.

Amanda Henriques said...


First off I'd like to say Gnarls Barkley is suck a weird name, but anyways. I think this song is about the speaker being in a relationship with a woman. In this relationship it could be seen that both of them were battling for the control, as if they were trying to figure out who would be wearing the "pants"in the relationship. This could be seen when he says "Ha ha ha, bless your soul
You really think you're in control?". I think by the end of the song he is saying that he isn't the only crazy one, that the woman is just as crazy as he is.

Unknown said...

So in "Crazy" Barkley repeats many lines such as "Does that make me crazy?", which he says three ti,s a chorus. He also repeats "who do you" four times. It sounds like a girl, his girlfriend, left him because he says "And I hope that you are/Having the time of your life". It also appears as if he is going to kill himself because he talks about wanting to be like heroes who die for a cause. He says "And it's no coincidence I've come/And I can die when I'm done". The constant repetition adds to the tone of confusion and hurriedness of the song.

Derek said...

The song "Crazy" concerns the speaker's belief that the subject of the song is "crazy". Through diction and repetition, the speaker conveys the this message. At the beginning and end of the song, the speaker uses words pertaining to his memories. "I remember when" and "Ever since I was little" elicit a feeling of the speaker trying to get back what he used to feel, before he thought either he or the person he is talking was crazy. The repetition of, though slightly changed, of the lines with "crazy" allows the reader/listener to feel the speakers confusion as to who is actually crazy.

Rebecca said...

The speaker is sick and tired of the people who live lives to the standards of others. Once he realizes that being yourself, being free, and living for the moment has something "so pleasant about that place", he openly shows his emotions that have "an echo in so much space". The constant repetition exemplifies his eagerness to share these feelings. I think he asks "You really think you're in control?" to the other person who also is crazy like him to warn that "when you're out there without care...out of touch" with reality and limitations, you get into trouble and make mistakes, so he advises that person to "think twice" before making rash actions, but that's his "only advice" because he still believes in his heroes, who "had the heart to lose their lives" by living fearlessly and fully.

Unknown said...

Gnarles Barkley's song "Crazy" is a song about living in the moment and not getting caught up in less important things. He repeatedly talks about how people call him crazy for the way that he lives his life. He thinks that he lives his life perfectly and calls them out saying that they themselves are crazy. He is saying that you can live the your life the way you want to and people can disagree but they can not make you change your ways. This is what i think that the song is about.

Unknown said...

In the song “Crazy”, it suggests that the speaker is crazy. This is expressed in the lines “I think you’re crazy, just like me”. Also there is a lot of repetition with the lines “Does that make me crazy?” and “I remember”. I think the repetition makes the speaker sound even crazier. But in the beginning of the song, the speaker is talking about someone who had caused him to become crazy. It is conveyed in the lines “and when you’re out there without care, yeah, I was out of touch”. Then in the repetition of the line “I think you’re crazy” it portrays the speaker’s feelings of this person and continues by saying they are just like him and also ends the song like this.

Amy Pistone said...

I think the theme of this poem is about how it is acceptable to be different. While "crazy" is repeated throughout, each time it has a different connotation and relationship within the lyric. When he asks "Does that make me crazy? - Possibly", he is showing that crazy is determined often by society, that someone else is viewing him as crazy. The diction of the word "possibly" shows that he is completely comfortable in his skin, and will not feel badly for being viewed as different. Later on, when he says "Well, I think you're crazy", he is proving that craziness is relative. What one person views as crazy may not be viewed the same as someone else, and this line can be taken as if he is saying "You think I'm crazy? Well I think YOU'RE crazy. So there!" Then when he says "Just like me", the speaker is stating the point that every human is "crazy" in their own way - everyone has their quirks and differences, and that is okay.
The song overall represents this theme of differences almost exclusively through his choices of diction as well as the repetition.

Jake said...

I think the repetition of "Does that make me crazy?" is a two part question. He might be trying to convince himself that he is not crazy and that he is uncertain of his sanity. However, the repetition of "I think your crazy" shows that he believes we're in the same boat as he is. We all have a little bit of crazy in us and it is not if we are insane its rather to what extent are we all insane. He is saying that if you deem him to be crazy, that you are saying that you yourself is crazy because you share similar characteristics.

SuddenlyCorey said...

For me, this does not actually refer to someone who is gone 'crazy' in the sense that is implied by some others on this blog. For me, being 'crazy' symbolizes the release to freedom, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. The singer wants to know if he has achieved freedom by doing what he loves, asking "Does that make me crazy?". He answers himself confirming "Possibly".

Brian P. said...

I think Barkley is referring to feeling different than the social norm in this song. He calls himself 'crazy' most likely because his ideas clash with social norms. Personally I think he is being a little extravagant when he says 'I remember when I lost my mind.' It doesn't seem like a genuine plea to me. I do believe however he had lost something that had meant something very important to him, hence the repetition in his words, for example "Who do you...", "Does that make me crazy..." and so on. He also seems to pick a consonant each few lines, that he repeats the sound of with his words. this example of consonance is mostly noted in verses like "Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun." Here, he has used the 'L' sound multiple times. This form of repetition also adds to the previously mentioned one. Essentially Barkley needs to just calm down, I'm sure everything is actually fine.

hsylvester said...

I like this song it is a great one. I've heard it many times before. In the song he asks over and over "does that make me crazy?", "I think you're crazy", and "maybe you're crazy". this repetition puts an emphasis on him and "you" being crazy or appearing crazy based on society's opinion of his behavior or actions. The first stanza is saying how there is some sort of bliss in being alone and empty, he says "there was something so pleasant about that place, even your emotions have to let go in so much space". It's like being care-free and void of emotion and responsibility. In the next stanza he says "And when you're out there without care,yeah,I was out of touch, but it wasn't because I didn't know enough,I just knew too much". It is saying basically that because of what he knows society is saying he is crazy that his knowledge is too much and they don't want him knowing that so they're saying he's crazy and he doesn't care and he's free of all emotion and worry. He also says "who do you think you are,
Ha ha ha bless your soul
You really think you're in control" also showing that he doesn't care and he's the only one in control of himself not society or anyone else. He says "My heroes had the heart to lose their lives out on a limb, and all I remember is thinking, I want to be like them
Ever since I was little, ever since I was little it looked like fun, and it's no coincidence I've come, and I can die when I'm done". That shows that he's doing what is right no matter what consequences or what anyone says and that he won't stop til he has won and made his point loud and clear.

Xander said...

In the song Barkley puts emphasis on the fact that he is possibly crazy. He wishes he can go back to that time and place where everything was so plaesant so his yearning for that time has left him feeling like he's crazy. People who "know too much" are sometimes deemed crazy by the public. So he says "i think you're crazy" this could be because people arent enjoying themselves like he did in his time.

Xander said...

In the song Barkley puts emphasis on the fact that he is possibly crazy. He wishes he can go back to that time and place where everything was so plaesant so his yearning for that time has left him feeling like he's crazy. People who "know too much" are sometimes deemed crazy by the public. So he says "i think you're crazy" this could be because people arent enjoying themselves like he did in his time.

Sam said...

Barkley's hit "Crazy," from what I can tell, is not about him actually going crazy, but rather him growing up. At least that's what it seems to me. He keeps repeating "I remember when...there was something so pleasant about that place...yeah, I was out of touch...but it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much" which may suggest that he had a typical enchanted childhood but he has begun to realize how much he realizes how much misses his childhood. He may think that "that makes me crazy" but he just wants to be a kid again.

CKrim said...

I believe this song is about how there are many versions of crazy and what I consider crazy might be normal for someone else and what's normal for me others may see as crazy. It is overall about how one term can mean so many different things. Also being crazy isn't always a bad thing because some people think it would be crazy to dance in a mall but it just means your more open!

nicole said...

Gnarls Barkly's "Crazy" is talking about how he wants to live his life to the fullest as his heros have. This sort of reminds me of a bucket list when he says "and I can die when I'm done". However the whole song has many different ideas going on. In the beginnnig he talks about how he is out of touch with reality. Then he switches to talking to the listener/reader asking them if they think they are in control of their reality.

DavidLamJr. said...

In my opinion I believe this song symbolizes the enjoyment out of leaving reality. For example the line "when you're out there without a care Yeah, I was out of touch" shows how being out of touch with reality is enjoyable and carefree. The speaker also shows some doubt however which is seen in the line " maybe I'm crazy" and so we have two conflicting ideas being developed in the song. The other concept I found was that you are not in total control and it seems like the speaker is avoiding reality because he has no control over it.

njagelski said...

The song is about someone who went crazy.

There's a lot of repetition in this one. It gave me these impression of stuttering. It made the song much more tense. When I read the lyrics, I pictured someone wrapped up in a straitjacket, eyes twitching, as he sings this song.

I found the line about him knowing too much fascinating. I've always had this theory based on no evidence that it's the people that are insane that are the true geniuses. These traumatic, horrible things are the events that trigger insanity. Perhaps they are the people who see the true nature of the world, and it's so horrible that they crack?

"All it takes is one bad to drive the sanest man alive to lunacy! That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one day."

seannacav said...

Its funny how he's asking if he's crazy but then gives the advice of "having the time of your life" while you have the chance. The repetition is like a studder. It seems like he really is crazy and he cannot complete his thoughts without stopping again to think. Throughout the whole song he's trying to convince himself that he is/is not crazy. At first the thought is possibly but then its probably.

Vickie Ha said...

To me, there is more to the song than just being "crazy". The use to pronouns is very important because crazy refers to "me", "you" and "we" defining the different types of crazies. It's possible that people are not crazy but rather other people just want to believe that they are. The individual could just "know too much." The tone of the song is very judgmental and tries to make a lot of accusations and justifications, as if there is no such thing as crazy but rather we're all just out to get people to raise our own status. Or being crazy may just be the opposite.
"You really think you're in control?" The people who are obsessed with being in control could be the people that go crazy while the ones that "lose their minds" are the happier people in the end.

Unknown said...

This song is by Gnarls Barkley and the first chorus goes "Does that make me crazy?". Then it switches to "Maybe we are crazy" and then to "I think your crazy". There is much repetition in this song with the crazy in the chorus, the "who do you who do you think your are and "I remember when" at the beginning of the song.He does this to get the point across of him and the listener going crazy. It has a laid back tone and it is not in your face. It is very simplistic and does not have many lyrics and it makes the listener ok with losing his or her mind.

Gabby said...

The song "Crazy" by Gnarles Barkley
contains much repetition of the word "crazy" and the phrase "does that make me crazy?". This alludes to the definition of insanity which is to repeat an action over and over again expecting different results. This repetition goes along with his verbal repetition throughout the song, subconsciously giving the speaker a persona of insanity. However, the fact that he speaks consciously of losing his mind suggests that he is not indeed "crazy" in the medical sense since he can recognize his disorder, making it something he has overcome, and rather a freeness of mind an happiness instead of a true problem.

Unknown said...

Barkley begins the song with "
I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place even your emotions have an echo in so much space" He compares his lost mind to an empty space, explaining that he finally felt he was at place when he did not worry. He also describes that his problem wasn't that something was missing, but that he knew too much in his life time. His rhyme scheme along with vivid imagery adds to his lyrics and thoughts throughout. He then proceeds to ask a rhetorical question, "does that make me crazy" which concludes that being crazy may actually be normal.He also warns the audience with a simple and yet meaningful insight to life, "And I hope that you are
Having the time of your life
But think twice
That's my only advice". He shows the listeners that although life is about living to the absolute fullest, you must think first of the consequences. By his use of imagery of empty space, repetition of crazy and rhetorical questions, he successfully portrays his concern for his own well being.

lindsaykeith said...

Throughout the song he uses a lot of repetition. He repeats lines, "does that make me crazy?" and "I think you're crazy," as well as other random lines throughout the song. His repetition puts emphasis on the word crazy, and the fact that he is debating whether or not he is crazy. His repetition is like his thought process, like he is wondering the same thing over and over again, all the time. This is an appropriate affect because after all, the song is about whether or not he's crazy.

Unknown said...

"Crazy" is all about the feelings he's going through and thinking due to the fact that he lost his mind. But he is not like the next person who would be upset about losing their mind. He actually feels at home.