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Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Due 12/17......Run by Collective Soul ( MY FAVES!!!!!!!!!)




Are these times contagious

I've never been this bored before

Is this the prize I've waited for

Now as the hours passing

There's nothing left here to mature

I long to find a messenger

Have I got a long way to run [x2]

Yeah, I run [x2]

Is there a cure among us

From this processed sanity

I weaken with each voice that sings

In this world of purchase

I'm going to buy back memories

To awaken some old qualities

Have I got a long way to run [x2]

Have I got a long way to run [x2]

Yeah, I run [x2]

Have I got a long way to run [x2]

Yeah, I run [x4]


Have I got a long way to run [x4]


Unknown said...

I think this song is about a man that is saying goodbye to his friends. He says "I weaken with each voice that sings" meaning every time he says goodbye to someone else he is hurt and sad. I think he is grown up and needs to go in his own direction and so he is leaving. He has realized growing up is not all it is cracked up to be and so he wants to "buy back old memories".When he does that he will be able to do something he wants with his life.

kristen said...

I believe that this songs is about someone who wants either his old friends or family back, and is waiting for their reply. In the song it says, "Are these times contagious I've never been this bored before Is this the prize I've waited for," which could mean that he did not get the answer that he might have been hoping for. Also the speaker says, " weaken with each voice that sings
In this world of purchase I'm going to buy back memories To awaken some old qualities," which could mean that since he did not get the answer he was hoping for, he could be trying to find another way to persuade them to come back to him. This persuasion can also be seen through the chors because it says " Have I got a long way to run Yeah, I run", which could represent his journey of trying to win back whoever he might have lost.

Rebecca said...

I think this song is about someone who is in need of a change. He realizes that he has to run away from his old friends since "There's nothing left here to mature". The words "bored", "waited", "hours passing", and "long way" exemplify the speaker's need to get away from his ordinary and boring lifestyle, in order to go through a change in his life. To gain individuality and freedom from the restrictions of where he is now in his life, he runs because there "nothing left here". The "processed sanity" of the people around him is like a "contagious" disease that will continue to "weaken" him until he finds a "cure", which is leaving his old friends for a new start.
Additionally, the phrases "Is this the prize I've waited for" and "In this world of purchase I'm going to buy back memories", is talking about consumerism, and even his personal memories have to be bought back in "these times" of "processed sanity" or a common, manufactured,and pedantic lifestyle and thoughts, so he has "To awaken some old qualities", when he was happy by finding "a messenger" that will get him out of his slum.

alex said...

The tone of this song is very depressing and upsetting. In the first verse he uses words such as "bored", "nothing left", "contagious", "long", "passing", "waited" to create the depressing mood.
In the second verse he uses words with connotations of happier things but he qualifies them by using the words in rhetorical questions and with negative words. "Is there a cure among us[?]" This is said as if all hope is forever lost. "Each voice that sings" could be taken positively, but not when he is "weaken[ed]" by them.

Stephen Ameno said...

i think this song is about a person who has lost something that meant a lot to him. It seems that they would do anything to get back what they lost. It appears that it is very painful for them to say goodbye to anything and everything. The speaker also wants to run back to what they had.

Gavin said...

I believe this song is about a person saying that he is sick of the life that he has led up to this point. Although the speaker more than likely believes that he/she has done all of the right things and led a reasonably well-to-do life, they are rewarded with their "prize" of boredom. In the wake of his discovery, the speaker realizes that there is nothing left for him/her wherever they are, and he/she decides to run away. However, they are going to "buy back memories" of the place that they are leaving from. It seems as though the speaker wants to run away, but he/she does not want to forget certain things about where they currently are.

lindsaykeith said...

I think this song is about missing someone or something. When he says, "I'm going to buy back memoriesto awaken some old qualities," it made me think there's something missing, and he longs for the past, when he still had whatever he's missing now. Also, I thought maybe he was missing something as he was opening a new chapter and starting something new. When he says, "Have I got a long way to run," I pictured him starting something new or starting fresh. By starting something new, he is also looking back on his past, as I said before.

Alex Pearson said...

This song is about someone who was letdown by the hopes he had for his future. He wonders if this "is the prize [he's] waited for," meaning that he was expecting something greater but He says that he has "never been this bored before." The negative diction gives the song a depressed and melancholy tone. He is tired of the people around him and wants to go back to where he came from. He realizes that "[he] got a long way to run" before he finds out what he truly wants in life.

Unknown said...

I think the speaker is saying goodbye to his girlfriend because there is constant repetition of him saying “have I got a long way to run” and “yeah, I run”. At the beginning, he is questioning why all these memories with her had been so contagious and also questioning why he is so bored. Plus, in the second stanza, he says he wants to “buy back memories” to “awaken some old qualities” He wants to be the way he was before he ever met her and wants things to go back being that way. I think he regrets going out with her in the first place.

Jake said...

So, there is a heavy emphasis on ruining and/or running away. The word run is repeated many times. I think that there are several possibilities to what the significance of "run" is. Firstly, it could be about how he always runs away from his problems and when he leaves he hurts the people he left behind. Another possibility is that he is caught in the rat race of life. He is working hard for a job and realizes that with all the money he's making he still can't "buy back old Memories" that he may have skipped out on. Lastly, another possibility is that he is growing up and initially he was growing up to fast. He now realizes that he is still immature and still has a lot of growing up to do.

njagelski said...

This song is about running away from life. We can see this through the constant repetition of running away. He feels bored with the world he's in, evidenced by the fact that he says "nothing's left here." He wants to move on with his life, hence the "running away." The fact that's it's literally 'running' making it seem like the world is threatening or scary, like it's the enemy. It's the singer against the world.

katie said...

I feel as though this song is about someone who is growing up, but realizes that it is not as fun as people perceive it as. For example, the speaker says "I've never been this bored before. Is this the prize I've waited for". I feel as though the speaker is trying to run away from adolescents to engage in the world of being a grown up, but realizes that as you get older things get harder and less "fun". The speaker also says "I'm going to buy back memories To awaken some old qualities", which makes me think that he regrets his fast paced life. The tone is very regretful I think and the repetition of run shows how he ran away from his childhood, but now wants to run back to it. When he asks if there is a cure for this "sanity", I think he means the people in the adult world. As a spectator, he finds that adults are quite different then the adults he is used to seeing everyday, which makes his transition even harder for him.
-katie harris

Amy Pistone said...

This song appears to be very anxiety filled and somewhat apprehensive. The overall theme is maturity, as the speaker knows that they still have a long way to go, maturity and future wise. The diction proves that the tone is self-aware, as the speaker knows that he has a "long" way to run, which proves that he is optimistic but apprehensive about the future, because if he had a long way it conveys that he actually wants to improve over time rather than being negative about it. He also discusses "memories", showing that he wants to look back on his past but he is still looking toward the future. Overall, this is a hesitant piece with an apprehensive tone discussing maturity.

CKrim said...

I think this song is about lossing something important and he is trying to run and reach it. It could be that another person who is moving on and is more matre. The writer feels the need to catch up and, "In this world of purchase
I'm going to buy back memories...". This could mean that he wants to buy the memories that they lost while separated.

Anonymous said...

I think this song is about a man waiting day in and day out for that someone special to return. "I have a long way to run" meaning the man has a long road ahead of him, he is facing some troublesome time that are just around the corner. He could also be running away from or running back to a lover because he feel as if he is now just moving forward without rhyme or reason

Gino said...

A man who misses his youth, family, and friends. His desperation is shown through wanting to "buy back old memories", which is impossible. Also, I feel as if the speaker is unhappy with there life as of now.

seannacav said...

This person feels like sinning is contagious. He's bored with being good. To make his life more interesting, he's going to cause trouble. the calling for a messenger could be an outcry for help. He's weak and starts conforming to what others are doing. In his part he may have been bad so that's what "awakening old qualities" would be. I'm really confused by this song....

Vickie Ha said...

The speaker is severely bored with his life for he has "never been this bored before". He has to "run" to get away from his current state which is inhibiting his growth, for "there's nothing left here to mature". Where he is, there is "processed sanity" showing that there is no excitement in his life. He's getting nothing out of where he is and needs a "messenger" to find out about what else is out there.

Unknown said...

So I think this song is about an old person who is retierd, hence the line "I've never been this bored before". After a lifetime of work, senior citizens get to relax and stop working, but many feel useless. That may be why they say "Is this the prize I've waited for". They thought it would be great, but now they see that their life is almost over, and "There's nothing left here to mature". Perhaps they have Alzheimer's. They talk about a cure, which means they have a disease, and buying back memories, which people who have Alzheimer's lose. This time that they now have makes them think about all they are going to lose, and they cannot handle it. They say "I run".

Unknown said...

The speaker of this song is bored with life and what he has done with it so far. He says "I've never been this bored before and is this the prize I've waited for". He wants to run away from this boring rut he has gotten himself into. He want to "buy back old memories" to go back to the good time. But time travel has not been invented yet (despite a good try with a delorian) so he must run forward to the future.

Unknown said...

I think this song is about a man who is kind of lost in his thoughts. I think he isn't quite sure of what he wants. When he says "I weaken with each voice that sings," there is a sense of hurt and pain that the man can no shake. I can not say why he is so hurt because the message is unknown. I know that he wants something that he can't have but I'm not exactly sure is to what that something is. Either way, whether it be because of a loss of a loved one or simply a girlfriend, we are able to feel the man's pain and sorrow through his empty words.

Unknown said...

I think that the tone of the piece is full of frustration and disappointed. The speaker has tried so hard to fit the status quo (contagious times) and is disappointed by the lack of excitement (I’ve never been this bored before). He’s given up so much in exchange for the superficial (is this the prize I’ve waited for… in this world of purchase), but in the end he realizes that it’s not worth it. Now, he is running back to his former self to ‘awaken some old qualities’ because he realizes that it’s better to be himself than what is expected.

nicole said...

I believe that the speaker of this song is saying that hes "bored" with his past and wishes he could change it and reconnect with lost friends or family. When he says "Have I got a long way to run" i believe that he means that he has the rest of his life to rediscover these relationships and maybe even find a new one.

Brian P. said...

I would say that I have to agree with Gavin's idea. It seems like the singer is bored with the life he has lived so far, as it has not measured up to his expectations. But there seems to be hope!

He sings about how he is still youthful and perhaps can change the negative aspects of his life. I assume many people can relate to this.

Unknown said...

I think that the song "Run" by Collective Soul is about a person whose desire is fulfilled and he is uninteresting because he already has what he wants. The speaker says "there's nothing left to mature" and describes the feelings of both accomplishment and dismay. The song title "run" can also mean a chase, as the speaker portrays his desire for a chase instead of consistency. He also places a rhetorical question as something along the lines of finding his way out of sanity, as if he feels that the wrong is more interesting and dynamic. As he repeats "I have a long way to run" he means that although there is much to be chased after, he enjoys the chase as it lasts.

Sam said...

The singer feels held back by something that he cannot define. He says he has "old memories" which may hint tot he fact that he is haunted by some ghosts in his past, but this seems unlikely as he seems to feel as though he is a failure at the current, saying "is this the prize I've waited for." This alludes to the notion that he feels as though he has been wasting his time up until this point.

Amanda Henriques said...


I believe the singer of this song is saying goodbye to his old life. the singer is looking to grow up and move on. However he slightly regrets the fact that he is growing up because he doesn't want to lose his old memories.

DavidLamJr. said...

I feel that this song concerns a man who has lived a life full of order and balance, which is a rather plain life. Then he mentions if there is " a cure among us from this processed insanity". This verse means that he does not want this plain order in his life. He talks about awakening old qualities and running. I feel that the old qualities are his broken dreams that he wishes to retake. The running is him chasing after his dreams and the verses "I've never been this bored before ,Is this the prize I've waited for
,Now as the hours passing
,There's nothing left here to mature" symbolize how he lost his dream and lived a normal life. This normal life now bores him and there is nothing left for him to do in this life.

Kayla G said...

The speaker is at a point in his life where times are changing and he is leaving behind something that meant a lot to him. This could be a friend or his home town. He is missing what he left and he asks if he can "buy back memories". He is sad about the change and maybe he is a little afraid that he will forget. When he says "have i got a long way to run", I think he may be referring to running back to what he gave up or is missing.

hsylvester said...

The lyrics seem a little chaotic, it's like he's trying to run from the boredum of the strict or controling society. The tone seems a little sad and is supported by diction such as "contagious", "nothing", and "weaken" all which carry heavy connotations. The consistent questioning throughout the song such as "is there a cure among us?", "from this processed sanity?", and "have I got a long way to run?" also supports the saddened tone. It seems like a lot is going on and the speaker just wants to get away from it all and just go back to the simpler times, which is why he says "I'm gonna buy back memories".