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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Getting back into the Swing of Things...

Hi All!

Per our discussion in class, it is expected that you will read the long prompts and grade them according to the AP scale for that particular prompt. Write down the name of the prompt ( I believe they are A, B, and C) and the grade. You can also add a comment or two about why you scored them that way. As soon as I have all the grades in I will tell you the actual grades so you can rewrite yours accordingly.

Also, starting in January, we will be doing the Question of the Week (QOW) again. This is a homework grade so make sure you keep checking in.

Have a great vacation...I'll see you on the other side!


Thursday, November 29, 2007

Papers and Grendel and Research, oh my!!

Buenos Dias....

That's about all the Spanish I know. But I gave it the good ole college try.

Speaking of trying, I know you all have been trying very hard to keep the beastly machine we like to call AP on track, and I appreciate the effort. I have been looking at the papers you've been handing in , and well, we have some work to do...not a ton...more like tweaking, so expect to be fixing some papers over break. Make sure you are saving everything you hand into me as you will most likely be rewriting it. By the way, any rewrites that you hand into me must be accompanied by the original draft. How do I know what you fixed if I can remember what you originally wrote? My brain is fried baby, remember???

As far as the Grendel project...first, yes, you may use up to two instrumentals with a longer analysis of why you chose them....second, this project is takes a long time to complete...don't wait until the last minute to start this or you'll never finish...third, make sure that the music ties in together...pretend you are creating a soundtrack for the movie version of all has to flow....for example, look at the Sleepless in Seattle or Garden State sountracks...the music ties in together and tells the story.

PS.Use some good stuff kiddies...this is where I get all my new favorite bands !!

See you all soon!!

PPS. I expect some of those peanut butter balls before break...I won't mention names, but A.S. I am talking to know how much I love them!!! ; )

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Question of the Week #1


It's the first QOW...woo-hoo!!

I am going to see a horror movie tomorrow night ( "30 days of Night"...surprise, surprise) and was thinking of all the past horrow movies I have seen. Why is it (I questioned myself) are there no real good heroines in horror movies. And I mean, real good heroines...not the "oh, my high heel just broke as I was running away from the zombie....and gosh darn it, I tripped over nothing and can't get up!!" I mean, epic hero style heroines who take charge and don't ask "Is anyone there....seriously, stop kidding around" as they (stupidly) go into a dark room where they hear scary noises. I want a cool, take charge heroine.. one that would give Jason or Freddy a run for the money.

So...with that in mind, choose a female character from any piece of literature you've read and tell me why she could give the mosters a real fight.Make it good...


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Research Papers

Hello all!

I have been receiving your e-mails about research paper topics. Please make sure to read the research papaer packet to make sure that you are hitting all the requirements. Due to the large amount of eras, genres, etc we hit in this class, you are the only senior class that is allowed to go outside of British Litertaure as a topic. Be creative...find something interesting to you. However, make sure that you are using at least two (2) novels as your primary sources. I know this is not exactly what is meant by a primary source, but the department as a whole has decided to look at it this way.

When in doubt about your topic selections, think: what am I trying to prove/ research here? Do not choose a theme as this is not a theme paper. In order to research something, you need to be able to look it up in a reference book or on the internet. For eample, a paper on greed in Macbeth would not work as you need to be much more specific and stop thinking about this a s theme paper. However, the realities of the real Macbeth versus Shakespeare's fictional character is something you could research.

Make sure to e-mail me with any questions or issues. I may not be there to help you, but I am online!!
Enjoy picture #2 of the baby!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Paper #1

Hello all!

I just finished reading and grading your first AP prompt papers, and they will be handed back to you as soon as I get them to the sub. They were at the level I expected for the first ones, so you are right on track. The main issue with most of the papers is summary, or too much of it. Remember, the grader/judge has read the novel you wrote your piece on...if he/she hasn't, too bad for them. Therefore, you do not have to tell me or lead up to the answer to your prompt. Just answer the prompt!! For example, you don't need to tell me for five sentences how the boys in LOTF found the conch, just tell me what it symbolizes and what that means to the novel as a WHOLE. Never forget that all your analysis is PART to WHOLE. Yes, a certain scene may be in a novel, but what does it mean to the entire work, or why did the author include this scene, what message did he/she want to convey universally. Make sure to reread the worksheet on getting out of summary status.

Some of you need to rewrite the prompt and hand in a new copy with the old copy attached. This may be due to too much summary or poor novel choice for question. Remember that you may use ANY NOVEL you have read to answer the prompts. The novels should be of literary Harry Potters or Stephen Kings ( even though I love him).

I am very proud of all the work you have been doing since I have been gone. Your committment to keeping up the standards I set for you all is wonderful. Please don't become discouraged with your writing as we have plenty of time to work on it when I get back.

Go Red Sox!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oh, No! Oh...yes!

Hello all!

See how much I care for you....starting a new blog and watching the new that's dedication!
And as you can see...there she is...Miss Molly. Still looking a wee bit like an old man, but cute as button in person. This one's for the gang and McCole, who I am afraid will explode if she doesn't see the baby....enjoy!

Anywho...I am not sure what you all want to do this year as far as the blog is concerned. I did like the questions of the week from last year...might keep those. In addition, I would like to have this be a comment/question blog where you all post your, well, comments/questions as well as brilliant insights that you must share with the world. Let those light bulbs above your heads shine!!

As I am out for a bit, please feel free to ask any questions, etc so I can help you out, especially with research papers.

Try not to have too much fun without me....because I'll be back (in my head I had a little Arnold going on.. : P )
