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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Paper #1

Hello all!

I just finished reading and grading your first AP prompt papers, and they will be handed back to you as soon as I get them to the sub. They were at the level I expected for the first ones, so you are right on track. The main issue with most of the papers is summary, or too much of it. Remember, the grader/judge has read the novel you wrote your piece on...if he/she hasn't, too bad for them. Therefore, you do not have to tell me or lead up to the answer to your prompt. Just answer the prompt!! For example, you don't need to tell me for five sentences how the boys in LOTF found the conch, just tell me what it symbolizes and what that means to the novel as a WHOLE. Never forget that all your analysis is PART to WHOLE. Yes, a certain scene may be in a novel, but what does it mean to the entire work, or why did the author include this scene, what message did he/she want to convey universally. Make sure to reread the worksheet on getting out of summary status.

Some of you need to rewrite the prompt and hand in a new copy with the old copy attached. This may be due to too much summary or poor novel choice for question. Remember that you may use ANY NOVEL you have read to answer the prompts. The novels should be of literary Harry Potters or Stephen Kings ( even though I love him).

I am very proud of all the work you have been doing since I have been gone. Your committment to keeping up the standards I set for you all is wonderful. Please don't become discouraged with your writing as we have plenty of time to work on it when I get back.

Go Red Sox!!

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