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Monday, February 11, 2008

QOW #7


I know..this is too much, my being ahead of it all and stuff. I was sitting here thinking...English...History....English....History...hmmmm...then the lightbulb appeared above my big-haired head....

Choose a historical figure, past or present, and tell us what you think he/she would choose to read if he/she entered our class. Your person can pick anything from your six years here, but it must be a piece of fiction. Make sure to tell us why he/she picked that particular book....familiar to lessons to be learned, etc


tacciniisthebest said...

Okay, I would have to say that Queen Elizabeth would read "War and Peace". Thanks to Sparknotes, the book seems to be filled with drama (what else) and romance. But really she could read it and then possibly apply some of the goals or manuvers that each side had. Or she could read the book and know what not to do to end up in war and still be a great ruler.

Brittany said...

Let's see. Perhaps Clara Barton would enjoy reading The Diagnosis since she was a nurse and organized the red cross and everything. Maybe she would even care enough to find a cure for the poor man seeing how no one else did.

Elizabeth said...

I think that Stalin would like to read Animal Farm. I think he would probably recognize a few of the characters...Wasn't Animal Farm based off of Stalin and that period in history, a political allegory? Stalin would probably be interested to read this book.

Did I miss reading War and Peace?

tacciniisthebest said...

No Liz Crawford, that was just the first book that came to mind.

THis time around i am choosing (again) Queen Elizabeth but reading LOTF. This could show her how simple wrong decisions such as going into war can effect children. Also on that note, she could also learn how not to get into war for stupid reasons.

Liz said...

hahaha liz. stalin ughh i'm so sick of hearing his name because of my research paperrr

ok i think Lewis and Clark (no Clark and Lewis) would enjoy reading The Hobbit. it is filled with adventure, and well these men did like adventuring. I think they would have enjoyed this novel.

terbanate english said...

Ernest Gallo would take a peek at Grapes of Wrath and perhaps see the evils of the wine companies in California during the dust bowl...either that or he would just be influenced to a create a more wrathful flavor of wine comprised of migrant tears and sweet sweet californian grapes

amandasilva said...

Queen Victoria would read Jane Eyre in order to get a better understanding of what life was like for someone of a lower class during her time. Queen Victoria was obviously royalty so she never got to see what life was like as a common person during the Victorian Era.

Mrs. Mischley said...

Suzy said...

Well, since I've always looked up to Queen Elizabeth 1, i don't feel bad stealing Chel's historical figure. However, I would have her read Jane Eyre. This is because They share some of the same qualities; being smart, strong, and independent. They would influence each other greatly and they would probably be friends if they could be. Elizabeth could sympathize with Jane and her personal struggles.

chrissyiscool said...

I think Stalin would read Animal Farm because he would want to know what people thought of his ruling

then he might start a protest and burn all of the Animal Farm books in the school out of anger.

megmahoney said...

I think that Bush would read 1984, and realize that once you begin to limit the freedoms of your citizens it will without a doubt spiral out of control. I think it should be a must-read for all involved in the government, because the tourture that takes place in it is eerily similar to things I hear about today.

And everyone says 1984 was an extreme view of an unrealistic future. Maybe not so much.

tricia x3 said...

Susan B. Anthony would read Jane Eyre because she was a huge proponent of girl power. She fought for women's suffrage and equality. Jane Eyre was a strong woman who needed no one else.

mccolenumber4 said...

i think martin luther king jr would read cry, the beloved country because he would probably have formulated some brilliant plan to stop the segregation and crime and encourage the suppressed blacks to be proud of their heritage and fight for their parrrrrrtaaaaay! hahaha just kiddin

ATM said...

I think Lord Byron, the club foot guy, would read Jane Eyre and would relate to Mr Rochester, because they both have handicaps and are wealthy, and to St John, because they both love their distant cousins. They both had weird relationships with women and Lord Byron would learn from Mr. Rochester and St. John's example of to deal with his affairs.


hannahk said...

King George III could identify with The Diagnosis, as he ran around his castle naked once just like how Bill (Clamers haha)got down to his birthday suit on the train. They are both crazy, so maybe if this contemporary piece had been around back then, he George could have figured out he was mad on his own. Plus, he probably felt alone and confused about his condition, and this book would have let him know that other people struggle with being completely mental too.

Liz said...

hey mischley, my paper 7 is really bad so when i rewrite it can i choose not only a different book but also a different prompt?

laura_is_deprived said...

I think King Henry VIII should read The Scarlet Letter because he was pretty much a royal prostitute and I'd say he could learn a few lessons from his buddy Hester and maybe clean up his act. ps he was a pig!

Dizzy Lizzy said...

I think that Hitler would read Animal Farm because it is all about political corruption and dictatorships, which he was obviously into.