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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

To Game or Not to Game...QOW# 11

Secrets...the world's way of making you not look like a fool.

Well, I have some secrets that I feel I can share with you all after three long years together. Yes, I know you're thinking to yourself " Self...what secrets could my awesome English teacher possible have?" As embarrassing as it is, I love ballroom dancing (mostly the Latin divisions with the cha-chas and dramatic). Dog shows on TV...give me some popcorn and bring on the toy division!! Poms rock!! Love NSYNC (you the Man, Fatone!!) and crafting. Secretly, MH and CB don't bother me half as much as I pretend they do...I actually don't mind the witty banter...

oh and while it's not a huge secret...I am a gamer...Gears of War...Lost Planet...Dead Rising...80's treats ...Kingdom Hearts...the list is endless...PS2...Game Cube...Dreamcast...NES...XBOX 360...I am a video game junkie...I have an account at Game Stop...they know me when I walk in...

Gosh, I have so many guilty little secrets...

That was tell me peeps...what's your guilty little secret? Peas ( an abomination, dontcha know?) Bad poetry? Saved by the Bell?

Oh, and while you're at it, look at any character we've ever discussed and tell me what you think his/her guilty little secret might be...did Edna secretly know how to swim all along...maybe Jane loved romance novels and wasn't as independent as she claimed to be?

Tell me more..tell me more...Dish the dirt!!



Brittany said...

Since I work at a preschool I am always playing little games like Lucky Ducks and Chutes and Ladders.. and sometimes I secretly get upset when I have to let them win... and going along with your NSYNC obsession.. I always secretly love when the spice girls and nsync are played at school dances...

I think that Lenny from Of Mice and Men never had a true mental disability, he just secretly hated little fluffy animals and secretly understood what he was doing to them...

Liz said...

i am petrified of the easter bunny. no joke i am so scared of it. its a long complicated story but when i go to the mall during easter season i always look the other way or try to walk faster.
i also hate the sound of packing popcorn and styrofoam (its the nails-on-the-chalkboard for me) i cringe just thinking about it.

quickly changing the subject..
i think mrs joe secretly donated money to an orphanage or actually cared about little children, and was just jealous that pip can have a life while she is stuck being mean and crummy

tacciniisthebest said...

my turkn, okay well not many know this but I still like to watch the old Marykate and Ashley movies. Sometimes we (you know who you are) will have reunions and watch all of them. It is fun and also i am a big Disney fan. My favorite movie of all time is the Lion King. I love them (most anyway).

Character wise, i am going to type very quickly. Abby from the Curcible (yuck yuck yuck) was seceretly trying out for a broadway play but she was dishing out too much drama and got to into it so she didn't get the part. I hate that book and movie. Yuck !

Elizabeth said...

I still keep all of the little notebooks and journals from when I was about an excerpt from the 6th grade one?

June 17, 2002 "Dear Journal, Today was the 6th grade graduation. Kids got awards like Best Student, Best Art Student, and Geography. I didn't win an award. I either wanted the science award or a citizenship award. I'm mad because I cleaned out the chicks' boxes, I fed the iguana, I got honor roll every term, I'm polite, I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN AN AWARD!!!! All of my friends got awards. Some got 2 and 3. Laura got like every award! It was like they picked names out of a hat of who to give awards to, then divided them up because some kids kept getting them! I'm so sad. I want to cry."

As for a character's deep dark secret, Grendel is secretly a vegetarian and just kills people to keep up appearances. :-o

Liz said...

actually.. i believe chelsey's deep dark secret is that she is secretely in LOVE with The Crucible and reads it every night. she just pretends to hate it but deep down she looves that play.

chrissyiscool said...

I watch home videos from when I was really young all the time. I wish we could be that age again because we all had so much fun.

Staying with Lord of the Flies, I think Jack secretly wanted to be on the good side but he was so jealous of Ralph that he could not stay in his group.

Mrs. Mischley said...

Suzy said...


Well, if we're all being honest here...I am the other half of "we" that Chelsey speaks of. Even though the Olsen twins have fallen from grace, i still love their movies, and occasionally have marathons with Chel-Bel. Another secret I have is that I love making to-do lists. LOVE it. because I like to cross off the things i've done, i get so pumped when I get through the list. it's a bit of a positive boost i suppose, taking things on one at a time.

Secretly, Mr Rochester was so mysterious because he was extremely insecure about himself, not because of his arrogance as is portrayed in the novel. that was bad, i know. but i can't think of anything.

tricia x3 said...

Hmm, my secrets?? when the movie the phantom of the opera came out i honestly wanted a man to stalk me from my bedroom mirror so i could be christine. how weird is that? oh, and when i was three i thought i was going to marry jerry seinfeld. but then again, that was back when i ran through my house singing songs about chickens. "chickens, talkin' 'bout chickens, chickens have fuzzy feet, no they don't, they have claws". :P.

i think that bill chalmers was never actually sick. he was just faking it so that he could get some attention from his family for once.

Mrs. Mischley said...

Britt...I hate letting litle kids win too...what's it going to teach them? word...disturbing...; ) Though I like the chicken song...catchy little tune.

Taccini...what'a a turkn?

Crawford...needs an award and a hug from Laura who STOLE her awards...and yes, you are very polite.

Finally, I also think that Chel loves The know the old saying "Me thinks she doth protest too much"...

laura_is_deprived said...

first things first, i did not STEAL anyone's awards. you try living up to a reputation for getting 100s on little 6th grade vocab tests! pressure! :p

secondly, i would have to say my secret is that i hope to someday write a novel that gets published. and not one of those obscure books thats collects dust on the shelf at the west bridgewater public library for 60 years either. i'd like to actually write something good. either that or i used to secretly hope i'd become a famous singer. me and the rest of our sweet band 224. emiley? chrissy? you know what i mean. today, tomorrow, forever! wow.. :p

and i also think that Biddy was actually bitter at Pip for treating her like dirt, so she was only marrying Joe to make him jealous!

amandasilva said...

My little secret is that ive been riding dirtbikes and quads since
2nd grade. I just recently sold my dirtbike to enter a pageant and now i miss it =(

I think that Jack's secret from lotf is that he really did like ralph but he didnt want him to be getting all the attention. If someone else took the position of leader besides ralph, i think that jack would have been friends with him.

megmahoney said...

well, britt's story reminded me of something I love: Webkins. My cousins own tons of them, and everytime I babysit I get mad they never let me play, even though I could win them soo many webkin bucks. I've contemplated buying one for myself, but then realized that I will be friendless in college if someone finds on my computer my most recently viewed website to be

oh, and I still suck my thumb at night before I go to bed or else I can't fall asleep.

welll then, I think that Rochester didn't really get crippled in the fire by accident, rather he hurt himslef on purpose so that Jane would come back to him.

ATM said...

my secret is that i skipped pre-kindergarten and went to regular kindergarten so im technically supposed to be a junior...

I think that doctors in the diagnosis really knew what was wrong with Bill Chalmers but didnt tell him because they wanted to: 1) take more tests and make more money out of him and 2) because one of them is the guy his wife was secretly talking to over the internet.

Tim E.

tacciniisthebest said...

Okay a turkn is a turn, it is the new word that i just invented because i spelt it wrong. Secondly, The Crucible is on my top ten most hated things and it will remain there (but you can believe what you want to). Thirdly, Tim come on! Lets get a little juicier here,

terbanate english said...

secretly, I actually kind of enjoy English

I think Ethan Frome secretly didn't like Mattie so he purposefully swerved the sled killing only her so he wouldn't have to deal with her anymore.

HannahBanana said...
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mccolenumber4 said...

hmmmm...after reading meg's courageous confession, i feel comfortable admitting my secret: i slept with a blankie until 7th grade =[ aaaaand its still in my closet and i take it out on rough days b/c it makes me feel better

phew! now that i got that off my chest....

i think bertha wasnt really crazy, she was just so turned off by mr rochester that she would rather act like an animal

HannahBanana said...

my secret is that i'm so obsessed with harry potter that i listened to weekly podcasts about it up until the 7th book came out. whew glad i could share that with you. i know i'm a little extreme but what can i say. 143 Mugglecast.

for a character's secret: Beowulf has a secret love for grendel's mom

Dizzy Lizzy said...

Let's see... One of my secrets would be that I am still afraid of the dark and big dogs. I sleep with the tv on, so I get the room is a little brighter and if I sleep at someone's house I usually ask them to leave the bedroom door open... I don't know, maybe I'm really afraid of not be able to find my way out of a room in the dark. Also, last summer I went over my friend Greg's house and used Tricia to shield me from his dog... Nimbus "attacked" her instead of me.

Well now that that's out there... I think that George was glad to kill Lennie, as morbid as that sounds. He was tired of always having to take care of him and not being able to have a normal life because Lennie messed up. When he killed Lennie a huge burden was lifted off his shoulders and he could do what he wanted with his life.