Hello all.....
Welcome to what I like to call a "little corner of my twisted mind" ...I can, and will, ask you anything... and you can, and will, answer. I miss my past APers....McCole, Taccini, Cosgrove, Mahoney, et al, but I'm really starting to dig you newbies.
I have decided that the theme song for first term is either "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood or "Pressure" by Billy Joel. You guys are driving me up a wall....stop being so afraid to speak your mind and whoop it up. Throw caution to the wind and take a chance. I'm not even really sure why everyone is so panic stricken half of the time. Well, here is your chance to speak your mind. Ask me something....anything....that you need to know. What questions do you still have? What are you fears? Let it all hang out...metaphorically, please.
Just remember that in the end "every little thing is gonna be all right".
Well I have to admit, going into A.P. English I was terrified. I had heard some strange rumors and was prepared for anything.I had never taken A.P. English and I heard that we were going to be loaded down with homework. (Supposedly four hours of homework a night.)Needless to say I was a little worried. As time goes on though I'm beginning to feel more comfortable opening up to everyone and I feel like this is going to be a good and informative class.
Mrs.Mischley I have two questions for you- What got you interested in teaching? And why did you chose to teach English?
Hello Mischley! A concern that I have about this class is... what kind of writing are you looking for? I feel like I'm stuck in the rhetorical analysis-style: I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. Rosow pretty much drilled rhetoric permanently into our skulls! Could we maybe devote a day to learning how to write, AP Literature style? I think this would be very beneficial (for expanding our approach to writing as well as for the AP exam itself).
One of my biggest concerns is that when I analyse a poem, I see things the opposite way. I don't seem to see the same things as the rest of the class, or I take it into some different meaning. I think I deffinately need more practice analysing poems and writing dowm my thoughts into a paper. I really enjoy the round table discussions we have in class (my favorite part is listening :D)
Hello Mrs. Mishley. Now that everyone is settling down in class, how far along in progress with poetry breakdowns should we be? I feel like I am beginning to get the hang of it, and the notes we were given on the analysis structure helped out a lot. Do you have any tips or other instructions on writing better 180's?
Why hello there!
I have one major concern that i can think to comment about. My writing techniques are ridiculous. I have to extensively plan out my papers before I write them. I was wondering if you had any advice for me because I can not seem to get my thoughts down on paper. I have all these great analytical/rhetorical ideas in my head .. but they never end up on paper because I either don't think of them in time.. or i can't figure out how to word them. I'm almost positive that your advice will be that I need more practice... but if there is anything else you can think of please tell me.
Hello there, you are very right, I, like the rest of the class seemed to be too, was pretty nervous going into your class. But come on, give us a little break first, new teacher, opinions from the seniors from last year, lots of summer work and for a few of us, first AP English class we'd ever taken. That, and we had to know what kind of teacher you were before we could all relax and be ourselves. Now that I've given my side of the story on the whole nervousness issue, to the question you asked.
The poetry analysis still seems a little tricky to me I can never seem to remember the tone words and I think I'm confused on what figurative language actually is... My big fear is that I'm not going to understand how to really analyze well before the test day, and I know, it's so far off and we're going to have lots of practice before then but I still have that as a worry.
The discussions work really well I think, when we "round 'em up" and just talk about what we think. It may take a lot more time but I feel like we get the most practice out of it and it beats doing lots of poems quicker because we're getting a better analysis from it and progressively getting quicker at reaching those points. My question behind all that is this; do you think we could do more rounded discussions in class?
Way to write a book, Hofmann!
Hello, APers!
Hmm, I've really enjoyed our poety analysis so far this year. It has been fun, even challenging...I feel I've been stretched to dig deeper into the actual meaning of the poems we've read.
Question: What is your favorite food?
Another question: What in a paper irritates you most? In other words, what are your pet peeves in reading student's work?
Hey Mischley it's turner!
first off, way to not mention my name in your little group of people at the top. i think chels is very proud that you mentioned her name and not mine.. anyway...
here's a few things to help ya'll out..
1. mischley is NOT THAT SCARY!! really, she isnt.
2. when she says take a chance, serisouly, take a chance. say whatever comes to your mind first, because, from experience, i can tell you that you might think your thoughts are ridiculous but half the time they actually make sense
3. not everyone catches onto analyzing poems right away. it definitely takes some practice and you prob will get angry at some pointless poems (abominable peas) but it'll all come in time.
finally, have fun. i know it's cheesy but class goes a lot smoother when you all are having semi-fun analyzing and debating multiple choice answers (cough cough chelsey)
on that note. good luck :)
UMMMM. I have a question. How come my luck didnt change when i went to college. I still have crappy luck.
Hey Aper's the whole point of this is to tell Mischley that she chooses horrible books (I.e the CRUCIBLE). Also you are allowed to say that poems are pure crap.
She just wants u to speak your mind even if it is wrong still speak up. I have been wrong many a time, many many a time but i still said what i wanted to.
Poetry is not bad, give it a chance and just tell Mischely how she is such a bad teacher!!!
Just kidding!!!
HAve fun with this year guys. It will go quick and then you will be stuck with a calculus teacher who doesnt know how to teach!!!!
p.s. Mischley I have some good stories for you.
Hi Mischley! Hi Beth and Chelsey! Hi seniors!
First of all,I, apparently unlike Chel and Beth, was not stalking this blog. I have a blog in the exact same layout as this for my media class and it reminded me of this one so I decided to stop by and see if there were any new posts.
Second of all, Chelsey is right, you just need to say whatever jumps out at you. What I learned is that if you think you are wrong you're not, you're just thinking about it a different way which is not bad in the slightest as long as you can back it up. You will probably end up enlightening the class to something they hadn't thought of.
Third of all, my English class this semester is called Rhetoric I. Yes, that's right, what you're learning carries over into college. I know, I was shocked, too. All we do is analyze literature just like you're doing now. So thanks Mischley! I am pwning this class! :-)
Good luck this year guys! P.S. Sally, Matt, and Hoff-I miss you!
Okay...let's see. It has taken me a while to get back into the site. The stupid blog is fighting me.
KM- Four hours of homework a night??? The rumors...the rumors...or maybe they were waiting until the last minute to get it all done. To answer your question, I fell into teaching- I didn;t really plan on doing it at all. I strated working as an aide in a school and one thing went to another and so on...I almost double majored with English in college and I love reading and writing so it was a natural fit.
NK- There really isn't that big of a difference between the styles of writing at all. With a tweaking of some concepts, you'll be fine. I think the problem is that everyone thinks they are just going to get it right away and that's not reality. It takes time and practice, but you will get there.
LB- The great thing about poetry is that it's okay if you don't see the same thing as others. There will be PLENTY of practice with the poems, but you're biggest issue is letting yourself go and saying what you think it class.
Matt- which Matt are you?
SD-You're correct...you must be a mindreader. Practice, practice, practice! You can take a second or two to jot down a plan, but get right to the write asap.
Hofmann- We will be doing round ups daily..it's how I run the class. You will be able to analyze evrything and anything they give you on the test. The degree of the analysis depends on how much time and effort you put into the class. Use the sheets I gave you to help with tone and the other different literary devices that comprise the breakdown.
Sam- I love all foods, really. My favorite is Italian and my nana's soup (but it counts as Italian as she is one.) My biggest pet peeve is one that you've already heard. I can't stand when people make excuses for their work. Don't tell me it's not good and hand it in. It should be could when it's handed in. Stop the self debasing comments!! Also, if the paper's junk why would you ever hand it in to me?
Special shout out to my old APers...I loved hearing from you all. It was such a nice surprise, but you really have to thank Chels because had she not been the smarty pants she is and left me my blog address, I's never have found my way back to the blog!
Liz Crawford, im not stalking the blog!!!
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