Hello all,
Honestly, I'm too sick right now to listen and review songs. So I thought I'd ask a pretty basic question: what do you feel you still need help in? Are your writing skills lacking a bit? Can't seem to get the analysis? Missing the point completely? Now is the time t let me know so we can work on it in class. I promised that you'd leave this year a changed writer and I will keep that promise, but you have to let me know how it's going. Okay? That's all I wanted to say....it's a snow day...my nyquil is kicking in...and I need a nap.
See you tomorr......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
I feel like I still need help on everything. When I write my pieces, I am confident but my grades are showing otherwise. It seems like I have focus but apparently I don't and I guess I misunderstand the prompts still.
I still need help understanding the point of most of the poems since I always seem to get it wrong.
I have a better understanding of how to write an analysis after our meeting, but overall I feel like my general writing style has become bland and robotic after writing so many analysis. I'd like to fix that =/
I need helping writing an analysis without being "too listy." I always know what I want to say, but it never comes out right on paper.
I feel the same as lindsay. Honestly, every time I go to write an analysis I feel like i'm just listing things off and gicing example after example.
I'm honestly getting really stressed out when it comes to citations... I feel like I'm going to do it wrong and then it's going to appear as plagiarism... but that might be my own confusion.
I also don't quite understand the whole common knowledge idea, as to what I should be quoting and what should just be assumed.
And overall I don't know what else I'm having problems with - I don't quite know my weakness(es), so I guess I need help identifying what they are so I can improve.
I need help. I need help with blog posts that I am only given one day to do.
I need more help with multiple choice, as well as more in-depth analysis. I can get the basic understanding usually, but I have a hard time analyzing the whole piece and usually only focus on 2-3 points because I feel like I don't have the time to make more points, and if I try, maybe it's listing?
I'd like to look at more ranked 9 essays to see what to aspire to.
Hmmmm. The areas that I feel like I need help with are writing my poetry analysis's quicker because I feel like it takes me so long on the tests and I never have enough time to do the multiple choice.
I still feel like I am not doing what I am supposed to do. I don't feel like I am a better writer and I haven't had that AH-HA moment. I'm also struggling with multiple choice. I don't think we are learning it the right way. We can't just do it for homework then check answers in class and slap a grade on it. I think it only perpetuates our inability to do MC. I don't see any improvement in myself and it's rather frustrating.
I feel as though I could use some more practice in multiple choice and understanding how to get the right answer aside from the ones that are meant to look tempting. I also need to work on my poetry analysis because I feel as though I completely understand something and then miss the point all together or go too deep. I also would like to look at picking the right tone and picking the right techniques the author uses (diction, figurative language, etc.) and all the options we ahve.
I think I need most help in writing. I understand how to form my thesis and how to support it but my organization skills are not the bestt.
I think I could use a little bit of work with writing introductions, topic sentences, etc. Once i have a topic in mind I don't find it too hard to support it in a few paragraphs but just introducing those pieces of thought could use some polishing
I feel as though I need more help analyzing the poetry, because usually what I think the poem is about, it is not. So, I would like more help understanding the poems.
For the second half of the year i believe i need help in my writing skills such as sentence structure. I feel like i always get comments on my structure of my papers.
I need serious help with organization and interpreting the way the prompts should be written.I also need help making my writing more interesting and less listy.
I need help with poetry writing because I really like writing it but my writing style could be better. Also, I plan on going to see you soon for some help with the poetry analysis writing on test.
I need help with writing structure cause my work never flows right.
I need help understanding the poems better because I'm getting the entire poem. Also, every time I take the tests I have no idea what the poems are about that I have to write an analysis on.
I think I need help in finding what the basic understanding of the poem is. Also, I could improve on my performance on the multiple choice portions of the tests, but that is mostly my responsibility to study the material more.
I still need help on reading and comprehending the prompts . Also I still can't grasp the meaning of poems at first glance. Also multiple choice! Katie Harris
I agree with Jacob.
deff mulitple choice cause even when I get them wrong I and we go over the right answer I get it wrong again. And also I'm ok on analysis' I have more trouble with every other kind of writing like how to get what I want said to be said. I'm not good at getting to the point I just dance around the topic.
I think I still need to work on my writing because I'm not quite there yet and my writing is still lacking something. Also I think I need to work on my time issue so I will be able to do well on the Ap test as well as working on multiple choice because I am very bad at that.
I feel as tho I need help with finding the correct meaning. Many times I feel like you and I do not see the same meanings in things.
I think I need some help on interpreting poems. In class I come up with some interpretation or meaning, but then when the class is going over the poem as a whole, I'm completely wrong. I understand why I'm wrong and why the meaning is what it is, but I think I could possibly improve on this.
I do have to comment people that many of you are stating that the issue is misunderstanding the poems, but I still haven't seen many of you for office hours. Please make appointments to see me. Unfortunatley, due to time constraints and differing abilities, I can't do everything in class, so make some time to see me. That being said, I appreciate your honesty, and I'll see what I can do.
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