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Monday, January 31, 2011

I Set My Friends on Fire by Things that Rhyme with Orange Due 2-18-11

Kings and Queens by 30 Seconds to Mars Due 2-11-11

Seventy times Seven... Brand New Due 2-4-11



Hello all...

Once again, we will be starting the analysis sections of the blog up again. This time around I am looking for a detailed analysis of the piece. Obviously, I cant' have every posting a two page paper, but you will have to do a few things...tell me....

1. the basic understading of the piece
2. the tone of the piece
3. one literary device with examples that backs up the tone you've chosen. These should be 5-6 sentences minimum.

so, no more one liners of "this is a scary poem" me you know what you are doing here. If you do not have these pieces, you will receive a ZERO, so it's all or nothing.

This way will help me  to assess your understanding and your writing skills. If there are any issues, we can pull up the blog and review your writing ( as well as any other pieces you may bring me).

I will be posting a few at a time with due dates, so make sure to get them, done on time.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Second half of the year...

Hello all,

Honestly, I'm too sick right now to listen and review songs. So I thought I'd ask a pretty basic question: what do you feel you still need help in? Are your writing skills lacking a bit? Can't seem to get the analysis? Missing the point completely? Now is the time t let me know so we can work on it in class. I promised that you'd leave this year a changed writer and I will keep that promise, but you have to let me know how it's going. Okay? That's all I wanted to's a snow nyquil is kicking in...and I need a nap.

See you tomorr......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

So whatcha..whatcha ..whatcha want??

Tis the season to be most giving in affections and gifts. So, my gift to you is the gift of listening not just hearing. You may ask yourself or the stranger sitting next to you " but aren't listening and hearing the same...stupid silly teacher."  Alas, they are not. Hearing is a basic function of your ears dealing with vibrations and such ( I could go into much more depth than this, but really I don't want to come off showy.) Listening is actively focusing on what the person is saying and deriving meaning from it. So my gift to you, essentially, is focusing on the words coming out of your mouth or, in this case, your finger tips.  You all know I love music...all sorts of music. So tell me what band and song you would like to see posted on this blog in the new year. I will try my hardest to get as many up as I can and continue to use them in class when time allows.

So make like a Beastie Boy and tell me whatcha want.....


Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Due 12/23...State of Massachusetts by The Dropkick Murphys...analyze and CRANK IT UP!!!

What's the social commentary here, folks?

P.S. This blog and it's owner are not responsible for any spontaneous moshing that may occur during analysis of posted song.


State of Massachusetts

She had excuses and she chose to use them,

She was the victim of unspeakable abuses,

Her husband was violent, malicious, and distant,

Her kids now belong to the state of Massachusetts