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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

QOW #8

March 18th...


Spring has almost sprung...Peeps of every color imaginable are lining store shelves...the deliciousy goodness otherwise known as the Cadbury Cream Egg is ready for tasting...let the allergies begin...

As I sit here in my awesome office and listen to the traffic flying by, I think to myself "Self, you need a new car. Not any old car, but one the reflects your unique characteristics...your personality...that extra special something that only you have." Sadly enough, I have come to the conlusion that I might actually be a van, two door, room for the baby stuff, groceries, extremely practical...but I really feel like a Mercedes deep down inside.

With that in mind, choose a character from a novel and tell me what car he/she would be and why.

Vroom, vroom, people!


chrissyiscool said...

Well since the only thing i really know about my car is that its green... i really have no idea how to answer this question. I would say though that I could see Simon from The Lord of teh Flies driving around in Hilter's little car. That car was made for creepy murderers.

amandasilva said...

I could see Gregor from the Metamorphosis being a Volkswagon Buggie. Obviously this is a good choice considering Gregor was reffered to as having bug like qualities. Buggies also have the reputation of being an ugly car which is what many thought of Gregor when he was a bug.

tacciniisthebest said...

I would say that Georgiana Reed from Jane Eyre would be the Barbie's hot pink convertible becuae she is very snobby and cruel to Jane as kids. She is such a drama queen too so it matches with her personality quite nicely.

Liz said...

so funny that you chose this prompt because
1. we sell both peeps and cadbury eggs at CVS!! woo
and 2. i actually went car shopping today cause our van died so we have to get a new car.. thinking truck...

Nora from A Doll's House should drive a convertible. at first has a doll-like existence, like a convertible with its top still up, unable to release her true feelings. but by the end of the novel she walks out on torvald (sp?) so that she can be herself, being adventurous like people who put down the top of the convertible and drive away, with the wind blowing in their hair of course =)

Elizabeth said...

FIRST, Beth expect me at CVS buying every last Cream Egg because I love those little suckers.
NEXT, Chrissy, Simon is not a murderer! I was in love with him in 10th grade so I should know. Sadly, he was the one the boys murdered.
FINALLY, Ethan Frome would be a rickety old falling-apart car, maybe covered in rust. Ethan was crippled and tired of his life with Zeena, so he would be some kind of decrepid junker. But then his owner would take him to a body shop and get him fixed and paint him red! Because Mattie came! Yay!

ATM said...

Mr Rochester from Jane Eyre would be a beat up, used to be luxurious, old car with both its head lights missing and a car door handle, because he was blind and had an amputated hand.


chrissyiscool said...

p.s. i mean roger
the psycho killer boy

Dizzy Lizzy said...

Lennie from Of Mice and Men would be a Hummer because they are big and strong, but also a danger to the environment. Lennie is big and strong and a danger society, although he doesn't mean to be... but clearly they have some stuff in common :-)

Brittany said...

I'm wondering why Chrissy still has this obsession with LOTF...

Anyways.. I think that Edna from The Awakening would be a bright red convertible porche. She would fit in perfectly with this car because they both represent freedom and irresponsibility.

P.S. Why does this blog log-in hate me? It always takes me forever to sign in.

chrissyiscool said...

britt i think i love lotf because i wish i was stranded on a desert island someday.....

terbanate english said...

Tom Buchanan would be a Bugatti Veyron because he has a lot of money and he likes to live life fast.

Mrs. Mischley said...

Suzy said...


I would give Tom Joad a green F250 with a ginormous bed and an extended cab. He seems as though he would utlize the extra space properly and effectively. He is a hard worker, and this car is certainly tough enough for him.



Mrs. Mischley said...


You wish you were stranded on an island like the LOTF boys?!?! Did we read the same novel??? They kill each other and it's horrible. I think for graduation we should all chip in and get Chrissy anew book...she's obsessed with the Fly Boys...

megmahoney said...

I think that Joe would be a classic like a Charger. He would have to be a type of a car that could withstand alot of wear and turmoil, and still continue to keep on going. A Charger is also extremely powerful, which was another one of Joe's qualities. Finally, the Charger is kind of big and would protect its passangers if they were ever in an accident, kind of like Joe protected Pip.

laura_is_deprived said...

i think Edna from The Awakening would be a Matchbox car (yup, that's right :p) because in her dull life she felt like a nice little collectible item for her husband but when you get right down to it, she wasn't really good for very much and she couldn't do anything.. sorry if that offends anyone who enjoys playing with toy cars

tricia x3 said...

bill chalmers would be a pinto that is degenerating with time. you know, first the air conditioner goes, then the engine light turns on, eventually the brakes fail, and finally the car dies. he is just going downhill the more that time goes on, and no mechanic knows how to diagnose his issues.

Mrs. Mischley said...

LOL!!!! Tricia and Tim's made me laugh out descriptive!!

HannahBanana said...

i'm not gonna lie, i don't really know much about cars. but i think Gatsby would feel pretty comfortable in an old caddilac. maybe something that looks like greese lightning. it suits him because he's a classy person who knows style

mccolenumber4 said...

ok so now that im writing this about 2 months later....

i think grendel would drive a hummer because i feel like that thing could take out ANYTHING....and so can grendel. and it would be bright yellow so he can attract attention to himself and catch the eye of a pretty lady so maybe he wont be so miserable.