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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Post Four!

Now that we are in the swing of things I am curious as to what you expect to get from English class this year.

Better writing skills?

Amazing analytical skills?

Is there something you feel you're lacking and want to learn?

Any questions for me that you were too shy to ask before?

What? Tell me....I'm dying to know.

P.S. I might be tired when I see y'all on Monday. I am trying to cram in Season 2 of Fringe....the awesomeness of this show is inspiring.


Amy Pistone said...

I took AP English for a single reason: I want my writing to improve. I seriously love to write and I actually enjoy writing papers, but I know I can alway improve. I heard that AP improves writing more so than Honors, but either way writing will improve. But I suppose that from English I really am hoping to get better writing skills. I want to be able to get my point across more effectively. I want to write papers that destroy my older brother's in terms of greatness. (I'm always fighting to be better than him...) I want to be able to turn in a flawless research paper - virtually impossible, I know.

I also hope to be able to decipher poems more easily. I really do love reading and writing poetry, but I have a tendency to get hung up on the meaning of certain pieces (IE: one of the poems on the practice AP test gave me so much trouble I couldn't even come up with a topic for my essay...)

I'd like to be able to use these skills in speaking too, so I can speak more eloquently without getting hung up on words and using "uhms" as fillers.

As for questions... I'm still a little shaky on the copy machine (like as to how I'll make -insert number- copies from 1 paper, if that's what you ask me to do) I know that's an intern question but I thought it may be relevant... I have a tendency to have issues with little simple things like that.

For the life of me I can't really remember any other questions I had. Although I can't really remember how the whole Meetings with Mischley thing is supposed to work either...

But that's it I suppose. I'll comment again if anything else comes to me.

njagelski said...

I'm taking AP English 12 this year so I can improve on my writing. When I'm older, I want to be a writer, of novels, of movies, of comic books, and of television shows. If I really want to get there, I'm going to need as much practice as I can get. I figured taking AP would be the way to go, especially after I got so much out of last year's AP English course.

Admittedly, I'm not that big of a fan of poetry. Not because it's "hard," I just don't find it as interesting, and also because it's not part of my forte. Learning analysis is very important though. I'm guessing that this class is going to give me a better appreciation of poetry, and most likely literature in general.

I don't think I have any much poetry will we be writing this year? I remember last year in AP English & Language we would occasionally make an essay as an exploration of the essay styles we were learning about. Are we doing anything remotely similar to that?

Also, I'm looking forward to the soundtrack project.


kristen said...

The main thing that I expect to get from English class this year is better writing skills. Writing is very tough for me because I do not come up with the best things to write about or the most interesting. I just need to start using more descriptive words. Also, another big thing that I would like to learn is how to analyze poems. Poems and writing are definately my two weakest points in English, and I would like to work on them so I can improve and be ready for college.

DavidLamJr. said...

In my opinion I write like a preschool child who is terrible at organization, sentence structure, grammar, and flow. My flow especially needs work since most readers that read what I have written will think that everything is choppy and unclear. I hope to actually write something that is worthy of my age. The only good thing that my writing has is vocabulary and some wit or clever ironic comparisons. Also I am great at thinking deeply over themes and ideals.
My writing is the only think I expect and want terribly at English since when it comes to analyzing and observing I am quite good. I believe I am good at that because I enjoy analyzing literature and poetry. Shakespeare for example, was not all that difficult to understand. Well then my writing is what I expect and want to improve however should I also improve my other skills that would be welcomed with enthusiasm. Hey Amy maybe you should not be the first to post if you want to solve that problem if you know what I am talking about.

Unknown said...

I really want to learn how to write better. Whenever it comes to writing a paper I stress out and can never think of things to say. I "dance" around the topic. I can never choose the right words to describe what I want to say. I want to learn how to become a better writer and how to get straight to the point. I want writing a paper not to be so much work and not to take so long. I don't plan on being a writer or anything but I know in college were going to have to write papers much longer than two pages.

CKrim said...

I really want to improve my grammar because in essay's I'm always loseing points. Other than that I want to improve the amount of time it takes me to write a paper.

lindsaykeith said...

This year I hope to improve my analytical skills. I want to get really good at analyzing poems so I can do well on the AP test this year...unlike last year's 2. And it helps to know what the poems actually mean. I hope that my writing skills improve too, because I'm sure there's something I could add or change to my papers.

Vickie Ha said...

I think I enjoy literature so much more than rhetoric because I love a good story. What I really want to get out of this year is to come out a sophisticated and well developed writer. I want to be able to fully execute and truely capture my thoughts. I feel like I always get a good job, but I want more than that.. something so good that no adjective can be attached to it. Is that possible?

I also remember from sophmore year, the poem about some jazz singer that related to the comfort of a mother's womb and all the things we do to try and imitate that safe haven. Analyzing poems is really interesting to me and I want to be able to do that on my own.

Unknown said...

This year in English I hope to become a better writer, because I always like the content of my papers, but not neccesarrily how I word what im trying to say. I also hope to become more independant in my study habits, but so far it has been hard trying to get used to the amount of responsibility we have in this class. Aside from the real stuff that I want to learn this year, I also hope that this year can be a final high school english class that I'll never forget. I hope there are projects that will be fun, and some writing of poems, as well as other fun projects, aside from the usual cut in stone kind of projects other teachers give.
Alex DeLorenzo

Unknown said...

In english this year I hope to become a pro at analyzing poetry. I never really was that great at depicting poems so I hope to be able to understand them a lot better. I would also like to improve on my writing skills. I hope by the end of this year I will be able to write effective papers in a little amount of time.

Rebecca said...

I took AP English because I wanted to improve on my writing skills and analytical skills for college. On most of my past essays, they had a comment on the side reading, "lacks organization" and even though I spend a lot of time on them, I know in my writing my ideas are all over the place. I took AP English so I could write an essay faster and more eloquently, so my ideas flow and make sense. Right now it takes me way to long to create just one sentence, so I thought this class would give me the skills I need to formulate original ideas and incorporate them in my essays without struggle or hesitations.

I also took this class because I do not seem to do well when I’m not challenged. The rigorous course load keeps me motivated to do more than I thought I could. I remember last year struggling to read a couple chapters because the reading assignments were dragged out and everyone dreaded them. I am excited that the people who signed up for this AP class are enthusiastic and are willing to do the work, because that is just what I need.

Sam said...

Basically the main goal I have this year for English is to be able to decipher poetry more completely and to have a broader vision when it comes to reading and writing. Taking AP 11 last year gave me a really strong foundation for this year, but I was not interested in an AP poetry class for business school, so I stuck with honors.

I also want to be able to streamline my ideas for papers a little better because I tend to write about twice as much as I need to for a typed paper.

Unknown said...

This year, I must be organized. The english calendar will hopefully improve my skills in avoiding procrastination. I tend to stress out easily, and organization would certainly be helpful. Also, I look foward to preparing myself for college and writing papers in no time. I want to exceed my writing abilities and also learn more about British literature.

Derek said...

In English this year I want to become a better writer. That includes being able to write faster and to use better language. I also want to get better at analyzing literature, because I sometimes have trouble with that. In regards to poetry, I don't want to get better at it, because I really don't like poetry. But I think I should get better in preparation for college.

If/when we read Shakespeare, I want to do a better job at comprehending the language he uses.

-Derek Holland

SuddenlyCorey said...

In English this year, I wish to become more apt at formal writing. This includes research papers, analyses, and theme papers. While I'm pretty proficient in comprehension, I can never seem to stick to a good style for formal writing and my papers seem to end up all over the place. Along with this, I would also like to learn from the master, and work on my sarcasm skills.


Brenden said...

The main thing I wish to improve on this year in english class is to improve my orginaization, and to broaden my vocabulary. So as to allow my sentences to flow in a smoother manner and to help convey the main point of my writing. I have only very recently improved my writing skills but they are still not to my full potential. I just need to figure out how to convay all of my thoughts in a clear and consise way that makes sense to the reader. It happens quite often that I have a well thought out essay planned, but as so as I begin to write it looks like it was written by my 8th grade self.If I can better forcus my writing style and find a new method to convey my thoughts withough any confusion then that would be everything I am looking to personaly gain from english class.

Gavin said...

This year in english class, I would really like to improve upon several aspects of my writing. Firstly, I would like to learn when and when I should not use commas. Given, I know generally when to use them, but sometimes I put too many of them in. Also, I would like to improve my analytical skills. I usually get lost when it comes to deeper poetry, because there are too many different meanings and I cannot determine which one is what the author meant. Finally, I would like to create more diverse lists of details, instead of using "firstly, next, also, or finally", as I just had

oasker said...

I really feel as though my writing could contain less grammatical errors and that I do not always fully develop or connect my topics as well as I do in my head. I usually have a really clear direction in my head for my paper when I start, yet stray as I get further in the paper. I need to learn to keep my focus and fluidly connect each together. Often times I feel a piece of my main idea is missing and am not sure how to fill that gap.
I know I have more questions and things to improve on, but thats all that comes to mind at the moment.

katie said...

The things I expect to get from english class this year is better writing skills. I expect to be able to go to college next year and be able to do a ten page paper with no hassle, unlike what my classmates will be doing. I want better analytical skills and a better understanding of poetry. The one MAIN thing that I will always work at is my multiple choice taking. I cannot do those for the life of me and I hope that English this year changes that. I also want a better knowledge on how to actually write well without writing too much or too little. I want to find a balance, and stop repeating myself. I feel as though I have to repeat myself because I am scared that my point will not be understood. I hope that class will give me more confidence in my writing and I can easily convey a point without rewording it a few times. I really want to do well on the AP exam too. I know that is not really the main goal of this class but I feel if I can pass a CollegeBoard test on this stuff, I really have tremendously improved. I hope by the end of the year I write a beautiful research paper with good transitions. Yes, I want to work on transitions also this year. I am good at the intro and conclusion paragraphs, but my transitions are very weak and I want to improve them. They are very important to the writing, and in order to get better writing I will most definetly need to succeed more in transitions.

Jake said...

I am taking AP english to not only show that I am a well rounded student, but to also become a better writer. English and literature is not my strong subject so I need to work hard to get better.

Anonymous said...

During english class this year, I am hoping to get better at writing. I already am kind of average at it, but I want to be better. I dread writing papers becasue I really do not enjoy it that much. I think that the reason I do not enjoy it is because I find it hard. I feel as if finding quotes and relating them to something, as in supporting a reason, is difficult for me. This is usualy do to the fact that I really do not understand the writing. The words and writing style of the authors is sometimes hard to understand.
I also want to be better at understanding peoms. I do not understand most because I think they make no sense. It is kind of hard to find the meaning if you do not understand it, therefore I would like to be better at this.

Ryan Collins

Gino said...

I would like to make my essay structure better and use fancy words more. I also cannot stand poetry so it would be great if you could make poetry less awful.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The main thing that I want to learn from English this year is to develop my writing skills. I feel as if I am a good writer but the amount of time it takes me to write a paper is very long. I would also like to be able to understand poetry better. It has always been a weak point in my English classes and its an area that I could use some improvement.

Amanda Henriques said...

In english this year I hope to become a better writer. My writing skills have never been the greatest, so I hope to grow as a writer

alex said...

This year I would like to improve the flow of my writing. When I write most of these papers I feel as if I have absolutely no flow to them. I want to learn how to fix this issue so that I can completely develope and improve my overall writing style.

Unknown said...

If there is one thing I would like to improve this year iit would be writing. I believe I am strong in all the other aspects of english besides writing. I have always been better at math based classes and have struggled in writing. So this year I would like to become better at it and I will be an overall better student because of it.

Colleen said...

This year for english I want to become a better writer. English is my worst academic subjuct and when I have an english assignment it takes me a long time whether it be reading or writing. I hope this year I learn to become a more effiicent and faster writer. I want it to become easy to write an essay.

Unknown said...

This year I was hoping to develop my writing a little more because I have always struggled with writing in general. I would also like to gain better analytical skills because I have never been very good with poems. I love poetry, but I can never get anything that has to do with a poem right. I never look deep enough into the poem or understand what we are looking for most of the time. But overall, that seems to be about it.

Mrs. Mischley said...

Matt C says...

"This year in English, I have a couple of goals. One goal is to stay on top of everything by mastering the all mighty calender. This calender will help me stay organized with my assignments and to hopefully lessen my stress level. My second goal is probably my most important. What I really hope that I can extract from this class is to become and overall better writer. I find writing papers to be somewhat of a challenge for me. I am looking forward to excel in all aspects of the writing process. From this class, I hope that I can take what I have learned and utilize it when I am in college. I want that feeling of completing a well written paper before any of my fellow students have. I know that this class is going to be a long and arduous journey, but I plan on extracting every bit I can to succeed."

Mrs. Mischley said... are some answers for you..

Nick...yes, you will be writing some pieces of poetry, but what better way to learn analysis than to create.

Alex. D...I now feel the pressure to create cool projects for you all to do...thanks for the stress...Lit Land , here we come!

Corey...ahhh, you will learn much, young grasshopper.

The rest of you....let me start by suggesting that becoming a better writer involves correct spelling. Ever hear of spell check? For the love of all that is good in this world, USE IT!!

hsylvester said...

I want to get better and faster at writing and i want to be able to read better and faster as well because I'm like the slowest reader on earth and I'm not that great at writing and I want to improve.

Unknown said...

This year in english I wqant to b able to become a better writer. I took AP last year which really improved my writing skills, but the papers we wrote were different because there were no set amounts of quotes and paragraphs. It's hard for me to sit and write a good theme paper.