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Tuesday, September 14, 2010



Sorry...didn't mean to shout that, and we all know "tone is everything". Could you please make it so I know EXACTLY who you are when you post...I have about 4 "ALEX"s in my classes and a couple of "KAT"s...make sure I know exactly who you are so I can give credit.

On a sadder note, let's have a moment of silence for my XBOX 360. It no longer has the will to run discs for me. I can still do some onlining, but the red ring of death is looming ahead. Can you see it's bright color? I bet if you squint really hard you can. We had planned to bury it next to the hamster ( RIP- Ruby Doo) in the garden, but I think the neighbors would get weirded out if the town cat dug it up and dragged its mechanical corpse down the street. I love my XBOX 360 and know in my heart that it can never be replaced with another.....until the holidays when they come out with a sweet bundle package of console, kinect, hardware, and accompanying games.

It is what it is, people. Live long and prosper!


Brian P. said...

I told you yesterday... Just buy an NES or a Super Nintendo...

njagelski said...

Curse you red ring of death!

I disagree with Brian. I say get an N64.

Amy Pistone said...

Okay guys, as much of a Nintendo nerd I am, you CANNOT go from an XBOX 360 to a N64. It's just not the same. She wants to shoot stuff and have zombie brawls and the like, not play Mario Kart. Unless she wanted to play GoldenEye but that's not very violent...